27. without you.

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I had just woken up.

Giovanni isn't next to me as usual, it's has been weeks since the discovery of my mother's health. And I didn't speak a word to any of the boys, even though I know Giovanni knows something is up.

I have a pool of emotions running through me and I can't choose which to feel. So, I choose to feel nothing.

A yawn escapes my lips, as I turn over on my side the soreness between my legs making me suppress a groan. A lazy smile reaches my lips looking at Giovanni.

He sat at his desk with a concentrated stare looking down at his journal, his nose scrunched up.

"Are you ever gonna tell me what you write in that?" I asked, sitting up from his bed wrapping the sheet right around my body.

"Are you gonna tell me what you write in yours?" He shot back, not looking away from the journal.

"How did you even know I had one?" I asked, with a small laugh. Was he peeking in my room, I know he's in there a lot. But we're mostly fucking not peeking.

"I saw it on your desk." He mumbled, placing his tongue between his lips. He's adorable.

"I only got it cause I don't want my head to get big." I smiled, remember what he told me. "Plus, you keep yours in the book I don't. I just use the paper."

He looked up at me, I love his eyes his eyes are so green. "What do mean?" He asked, dropping the pen.

I bobbed my head slightly to the tune in my head 'what do you mean oh when you nod your head, yes, but you want to say no'

Why am I'm like this?

"Okay so, I take the paper and write whatever I'm thinking on it and lock it away in a jar." I picked up my phone looking at the time. 2:22

Angel numbers. Cute.

"Why a jar?" He asked me, placing the journal on his desk.

"Well those are the thoughts I want to keep locked away for now, and when I'm ready for them to come out I will give them to you."

His lips turn into a smile, his ears turning pink slightly. "Why me?"

I rolled my eyes dramatically, picking up one of his shirts. Because you're my whole life.

Being apart from him is like I'm a plant in the winter, without sun nor water.

Especially vitamin D, because he's the only D I need. I stifle a laugh at my own thought before speaking.

"Because you're my favorite person," I tell him, scratching the back of my neck. I really need to stop laughing to myself he might think I'm crazy.

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