24. birthday girl.

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Ivory ꕥ

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Walking off the elevator I went straight to my penthouse, I wasn't in the exact mood to celebrate today. But then again I don't think anyone remembers.

The boys haven't said anything to me today, not a single text or call from my brothers or father. Which in my defense is weird, I didn't even get a daily text from Giovanni.

It is hard not to think of a future with him when he gives me so much false hope. Even the smallest things he does make my heart burst.

Just before I unlock my door a note with my name on it catches my eye.

Happy birthday
My one and only love.
I will see you soon.

~Your love.~

What the hell is this? I rolled my eyes walking into my apartment, throwing the note on my table. I walked into my room undressing getting ready for a shower.

Not many people even know about my birthday, maybe It's Lydia fucking with me.

Wrapping the towel around my body tight. As I went into my closet I let out a yelp. "What the fuck!" I yelled, looking a Giovanni. He held up my thong and a lacy bra set.

"What does it look like I'm doing sweetheart." He picked up my Victoria's secret underwear slipping it in his pocket, making me snatch them out. "Oh come on," he cried out.

He a fucking idiot sometimes. "You can't steal my underwear, what the hell are you gonna do with them anyway!" I exclaimed. Crossing my arms over my chest.

"You will see later, then again we can always use the one your wearing." He winked. "But put these on and go get dressed." He held up a red lacy Victoria secret set dangling it on my face.

"I don't want to hear you fuss about it either." He stated, who the hell is he to tell me what to do. I'm gonna fuss about it cause I can.

"I hate you." I smiled shaking my head. Just before he left my room he yelled. "Don't tell fibs darling, that a sin."

Yeah, and the things we did last night were a major sin.

I slipped on the outfit he placed out for me, I didn't even know he can pick out an outfit. I do look very pretty so I can't complain.

 I do look very pretty so I can't complain

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