40. finally.

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my eyes strain from the light, what the hell happened? Shit! 

I looked up feeling a tight grip on my hand, my eyes widen looking at her. she hasn't noticed me yet, she crying reading my journal. 

"i-ivory?" I asked as if I had to make sure she was here in front of me. her red bloodshot eyes look up at mine. 

"I'm not with you for four months and you go get yourself stabbed." she joked, I let out a small laugh feeling a throbbing lump in my throat. "baby." she stood up, I felt pain in my stomach as I pulled her into me. 

She must have freshened up, I could smell her lavender shampoo and conditioner. "hi,"  she pulled back wiping her tears. 

"when?" I shake my head trying to form the words. "two days ago, I don't know how but I just did. my brothers told me what happened."  

"I was looking for you and t-the next thing I know you were in surgery for a stab wound what the fuck happened? All I know is I was in a coma for four months because of the accident and now this." 

I look Into her eyes as she speaks, I heard every word she said but I couldn't take my eyes off her, I missed her so much.

"Im so sorry." I pulled her back to me inhaling her scent, I missed it so much. "I missed you so much," I mumbled into her shoulder, she laid on my stomach but I didn't have the heart to tell her.

"I missed you too...your family is outside, I should get them."  she pulled away, I grabbed her arm pulling her back into me, I let out a groan as she came close to me hitting my stomach. "don't leave me, not again."  

"how long was I out?" I asked. "two days, they said between the surgery your body was exhausted, you had me worried."  

I had countless nights of not sleeping without her, when I did sleep I only could see her bloody body on the hospital bed.

she searches my eyes as if she was making sure I was sure, I was, I want nothing more than to have her near me. 

she laid on my chest as I creased her hair softly, the door open making us look up as my mother and sister walk in.

"oh Mio Dio, your awake."  my mother rushed to my side, pulling not me but ivory into a hug. Freya laughs while I look at my mother with slightly wide eyes.

"it's lovely to see you miss Prescott."  ivory smiled, my mother shook her head. "sweetie, call me Lorraine we're practically family."  she pulled ivory into another hug while winking at me.

"Im sitting here as well mama."  I pulled ivory back into me, making her giggle softly. "I'm angry at you, she didn't go get her self stab."  she slapped my arm but then pulled me into a hug. 


"every time you are with Daomn something always happens to you."  she winces looking at me, she isn't entirely wrong. 

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