10. concern

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oh god, my head is pounding I can't feel my body, the ache of each movement is killing me. I grabbed a bottle of pills. pilling two in my hand I gulp them down with water. Getting ready for my classes today.

I feel horrible. In the past weeks, I can say I have been fine. Ever since that night with Giovanni and we made that deal. the tension rose between us lust and desire every time we look at each other. if I didn't feel like I was dying. I would jump around and scream.

Im not entirely sure if I made the right choice making this deal with Giovanni but then again, I like him a lot, the tension between us always been strong but I can't like him, I can't fall in love with him. I can't accept a future with him. Even if I already did.

classes went by fast and, my headache has gotten worst each step.

"hey, babe you okay?" Lydia's brown hair came to view looking down at me, laying my hand on my shoulder. I shook my head looking at her then tossing a look to the boys as they were already looking at me.

"Uh yea im fine, why?" I asked my voice was weak no doubt that I was sick.

"you look dead," I dropped my head on the desk groaning. "Im fine," I smiled at her but she didn't take it.

I heard her speak more but I couldn't focus my head was pounding.  the concerned looks on their faces were the last I saw before I passed out.

  the concerned looks on their faces were the last I saw before I passed out

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pretty short, next is Giovanni pov.

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