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It's been weeks since I seen Giovanni but it has been three seconds since I thought about him. And I hate it. From what logan tells me he had practice, they had their first game last week, and since that, I had to work around their schedule. Im tutoring logan for Mr. dinglebrid class and so I have to work around his time.

I laid on top of the doctor's table. Swinging my feet back and forth waiting for the doctor to come in. I messed with one of the sticks that were in the container.

"arent you suppose to be sitting down not touching anything," I jump slightly at the voice, I turn around looking at the doctor a very handsome doctor.

"well, I don't do exactly what im told so," I teased. Am im flirting? He was tall, brown hair, he was wearing circle round glasses behind his hazel eyes. wow, it should be illegal for him to work here.

"I see my patient is a trouble maker," He looked at the chart in his hands. "so what is the name of my patient today?" he asked I crossed my legs on the hospital bed.

"ivory," I answered my tone was very confident. He smiled, I looked at him more, his tall figure and his brows were perfect almost, A scar laid at the top of his brow that causes a slit through his eyebrows, I dragged my eyes to his concentrated stare, as he looks at his files.

"Well you're here for a check-up, let get that over here im sure you have many things to do," He chimed.

He took out his Stethoscopes placing them at my heart. I inhaled his aftershave "so does my doctor have a name, I thought you were supposed to have a name tag or some sort," I breathe out.

he stood quiet, and I exhaled a breath I was holding. He remover the Stethoscopes and spoke. "it doctor O'Brien but you can call me Grayson," He replied with a smile.

"well, doctor O'Brien is there anything wrong with me? " I asked "just a little more test and we will figure that out," Grayson said. I nodded and he left the room.

After an hour or so and a bunch of tests later Grayson came back with a chart of papers. "So the doctor tells me im dying and I have four days to live," I sighed dramatic laying a hand on my forehead.

Doctor O'Brien tells me I'm perfectly healthy I just have to eat more, besides the slight flirting between us. I had to rush off, My father is in town and requires me to come to lunch or more like ordered me along with my brothers.


pulling my dress down as I exited the car, Walking towards the restaurant that my father choose to his liking. The waiter showed me to the table, my father and brother back were facing me, I thanked the waiter.

"good afternoon father," I lean down giving him a peck on his cheek. "it lovely for you to join us," Austin spoke making me smile as I took a seat.

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