19. drunk thoughts.

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Cheers boomed from the hall, I stood near the locker room. Waiting for the boys, we came back from camping last week. I have the videos of us dancing in the rain, to Ava by famy and I had so much fun.

They had a game today, and just like the last they won. I stood near the sidelines with the coach again, watching them play. And nobody got hurt, well besides the other team.

I see the team start to walk out of the locker room. Robin and Logan threw their arms over each of my shoulders.

"Doll, did you see me throw that final ball to Mason?" Robin asked, poking his finger in my cheek.

"Yes I did, you know sometimes I wonder why you guys bring me to these things when you know I have no idea what going on." We walked past a group of girls, eyeing me down out of jealousy.

I have no idea why they're jealous, I'm not fucking these two.

"Sweetheart, for you to be so smart you are so naive and a little slow," Logan says, messing with my ponytail in the back of my head.

"Hey! I'm book smart not street smart." I exclaimed, shoving them.

"Hey! You guys coming to Spencer's tonight?" Another player asked as we walked to the bus.

"The sex shop?" I asked, making them chuckle.

I was being serious, but okay.

"No doll, it a bar, we always go after we win a  game," Robin tells me, I nod taking in the information.

"So are we going?" I asked, walking onto the Bus. "Yup!"

Sitting next to Giovanni has become a daily routine, so when I was sitting next to mason today caught me by a slight surprise.

"Good game today," I say, looking up at mason. Even sitting he was still taller than me. And I wasn't even short.

"Thank you, did you enjoy it?" He asked, opening his book. He reading 'we were lairs'

"Well I didn't understand the game but, it was nice to be there." I smiled, I enjoy it when they invite me out. Sometimes they won't leave without me. It like I'm a part of their daily schedule every day.

"I'm sure you will understand it soon if you keep hanging around us," Mason says, turning the page of his book.

"I guess so, so mason how's it that girl?" I asked him, rethinking our conversation on the roof.

"What girl? I sleep with many women." He snickers, I rolled my eyes shoving him in his side.

"The girl you like, but she in love with another," I say. Pulling my legs up to my chest resting my head on them. Looking at mason.

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