37. ivory.

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I could hear the monitor beeping, my eyes strain at the bright light. I sit up pulling the strings attach to the machine off me.

"You need to sit down honey." My mother pushes me back into the bed.

"No- I need to see her." Black dots cross my vision as I stood, making me sit back down.

"No honey, I know you worried about her but, you need to worry about yourself." My mother push, I snap my eyes to her watery ones.

"I do not give a fuck about me, I care about her. She comes first." I ran my hands down my face.

Flashes of her lifeless body on that bed flash through my head. What the fuck happened?

"Why am I'm in here?" I looked around the hospital room, a tight ping come to my chest again.

"You were hyperventilating and you had an asthma attack, it was caused by a panic attack." My mother held my hand tightly.

Impossible, I haven't had an Asthma attack since I was five.

"I need to see her." I feel like the walls are closing in on me.

The curtain opens revealing two cops, my father walks in behind them along with Killian, ivory's father.

"What's going on?" My mother asked, she's just as confused as I am.

"We just have a few questions." The officer says, bringing out a notepad.

"About what?" I asked, I rubbed my chest. My mother noticed my movement and passes me the ventilator.

I press the mask on my nose taking a breath, I feel like a fucking child.

"Just answer their question, Giovanni," Killian says, I rolled my eyes dropping the masks.

"Do you have any enemies?" They asked, I scoffed rolling my eyes.

This is a waste of time.

"I'm a Prescott, of course, I have some enemies. Although they're not by choice." I glance at my father.

"But what does that have to do with anything?" I question him, clenching my fist.

They are here to ask me questions when I need to be with my girl.

"Mr. Prescott." I corrected him, feeling threatened by the way he's getting too comfortable.

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