13. afternoon delights.

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Ivory <3

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Ivory <3

I sat in my class bored the teacher was falling asleep and I had no one to talk to. The door open and robin and mason walked in, In their football jerseys

"You two aren't supposed to be in here." The professor says. Robin held up a paper and mason walked over to me.

"What are you guys doing in here?" I asked. He didn't say anything. But picking up my bag putting my belongings in it. I watched him my face filled with confusion.

"Mason, what the fuck are you doing?" I asked again. Robin came overtaking my bag out of mason's hand. I stood up from my chair. And I was knocked off my feet.

Mason picked me up hiking me over his shoulder. I yelped smacking his back. This is so embarrassing!

"Thank professor," robin yelled. I watched him smile at me as we walked out of the class.

" you mind telling me why I was dragged from my class?" I asked. Still over mason's shoulder.

"Not just yet doll face." Robin smiles I rolled my eyes at his cheeky self. People on campus watched as we walked past. I don't even want to know what they're thinking.

We walked out into the parking lot. I heard a voice but I didn't even try to look. I just laid into mason's shoulder. I gave up fighting since we passed the class.

"When I said get ivory, I didn't mean actually throw her over your shoulder." I heard Logan speak. Mason put me down and I smacked his shoulder.

"Now why the hell was I dragged from my class?" I asked looking at Logan, robin, and mason.

"We have a game today," Logan says. " I know you have a game today we talked about it last night. What does that have to do with me?!" I yelled. Stomping my feet to the ground.

"We want you to come, and you are coming because we got you excused from your class for the rest of the day," Robin says. I dropped my shoulders. And looked at the bus. Where the football team we're getting on.

"You know you could have asked me. I would have said yes." I say. They all smile even mason.

"So your coming?" Mason asked. I sighed running my hands through my hair before I speak. "Fine," I mumbled they cheered on but it was cut short when someone yelled.

"BOYS get your ass on this bus now!" I looked back seeing it was their coach.

"Coming," they all chimed. Mason grabbed my arm leading me towards the bus.

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