Central Park // D. Atlas

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There we stood, in the middle of the Thames River, New Year's Eve. The Four Horsemen standing proud on the wing of Arthur Tressler's private jet. I turned to Daniel, smiling brightly; he looked at me equally as happy. We had finally taken down Tressler for good, and his son apparently, giving back more of the money his customers were wrongfully swindled out of.

A couple of days later, we were taken to Greenwich Observatory by Dylan and a couple of guys we didn't recognise. They took us inside and lead us into a white ballroom, covered in projects and...shows? Our shows. The Octa launch, the MGM Grand in Vegas, the Savoy Theatre in New Orleans. Every detail of Horsemen's shows was in the room.

I looked closer at the miniature version of the show in New Orleans and smiled, remembering that night like it was yesterday. I remember running through the crowd for Mardi Gra, Atlas and I being showered with alcohol from the mostly drunken revellers. Meeting up with the rest of them to make it back to New York the next day.

I heard another British accent I recognised and snapped my head to see a the man from the vault, the man that we stole the computer chip from for Tressler's 'son'. I smacked Atlas to get his attention, he turned to me and turned away again. I nudged him a few more times until he looked at the guy, when he did his mouth hung open. The man turned to face us.

"Ah, I remember you now. You're the Horsemen." He sipped from his cup, smiled at us and walked off.

I turned to face Jack, he had the same 'What the fuck?' expression that I was probably wearing. I shook my head and wandered around in amazement with the others. We found the grandmother and grandson that had helped us out in China, when we approached them the old woman smiled at us.

"Welcome to the Eye, Horsemen." She said in perfect English with a smile on her face.


I walked through Central Park, listening to the birds chirping in the trees. The loud hubbub of the city was slightly faded, in the middle of the mile long green space, making it a bit more peaceful. I plopped down on my usual bench, savouring the sweet warmth of the sun on my face. I smiled before I realised someone was sitting next to me, and my bench was tucked into a quiet corner of the Park that barely anyone knew about.

I opened an eye to see that familiar set of ocean coloured eyes that I missed. My eyes shot open when I realised he was here.

"Atlas?" I knitted my eyebrows together.

"Hey, Adey." He smiled awkwardly.

"What are you doing here?" I cocked my head to the side.

"Last time I checked, I live in New York too."

I rolled my eyes. "You live on the other side of Brooklyn. I only live ten blocks from here."

"Can't I come say hi to a friend?" He gave me a side smile.

"I didn't say that, A." I huffed.

"I know. I just like twisting your words." He chuckled.

"Rude." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Coffee?" He handed me a to go cup from the coffee shop we used to frequent. I smiled and took it, letting the hot liquid spill down my throat.

"You remembered my order?"

He nodded.

I sighed, "Why are you really here, Daniel?"

"I-I guess I missed seeing you."

"It's not like you couldn't have called or-" I was cut off by his lips crashing into mine. It took me a second to grasp what was happening, but once I did my lips began to dance in sync with his.

"I can't do that over a call." He smiled sweetly.

"Nope." I bit my lip before kissing him again.

{Movie: Now You See Me 2}

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