I Don't Want To Be In Fucking Massachusetts // R. Heffley

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"It was your idea to move here, not mine!" I yelled at my dad, running down the stairs and collecting my belongings.

He moved us from California to wherever the fuck we are now, I think it's Massachusetts but I don't really know, or care. I liked living in California, I don't want to be in fucking Massachusetts.

"It'll get better, M, don't worry." He defended weakly, grabbing my shoulder and spinning me to face him.

"You don't have to deal with the HBIC's and jocks at school, making fun of me 'cause I haven't lived in this piss-ant town my whole life!" I shouted, ripping my shoulder from his grip and collecting my charger, phone, and wallet.

You may be thinking that I'm being harsh on my dad, and I am. But he moved me away from my mom, brother, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and everyone I actually love. He rarely spoke to me before he got a job in Plainview, and suddenly he wanted me to move across the country with him. I know, dick move right?

"Mixie, I just want what's best for us." He sighed like he actually loved me.

"Then you should've just left me in California!!!" I screamed and slammed the front door, he didn't even bother to follow me. Dickhead.

I ran out into the street, stopping at the curb and not having a fucking clue where I was going. I picked a direction and started walking away from my dad's house, I needed to be anywhere else.

I reached the bottom of the hill my street was on and decided I'd pick a random house to, politely, burden with my existence. I scanned the houses and couldn't see one I liked yet, so I started walking.

I got about half way down I think Surrey Street, and I started to hear this cat meowing. Now, normally, I would've just ignored it, but this cat sounded like it was dying. Like, it wasn't meowing, it was screeching.

I started looking around for it, when a pair of headlights started to light up the body of the injured cat. I don't think the driver was going to spot it, so I made the dumbest decision I've ever made.

I jumped in the road and blocked the van's path.

The van skidded to a stop and I immediately spun to try and help the cat. Its leg bore a decently sized gash and was bleeding more than I would've liked.

The driver jumped out, throwing curses and annoyed phrases at me. That was, until, I'm assuming, he saw the cat.

"Oh my God." His voice said from behind me.

"I think I can patch it up, can you give me a ride?" I asked quickly before looking up at the guy.

He was pretty cute, I won't lie to you, but I didn't care for that right now.

"Yeah, my house is over there." He informed me hurriedly, running a hand through his hair as though he'd done it.

"Come on! Let's move!" I cried, pushing his leg a little.

I scooped up the cat in my arms. It bit me a couple of times, but I didn't care since I was helping the little guy. The van driver directed me to the house and ushered me inside to the kitchen.

I laid the cat on the counter and the driver passed me a First Aid kit, I flicked open the lid and began searching for something to patch up the wound.

I bizarrely found a needle and some thread, and began delicately sewing the animal's wound while the boy tried to hold it down. I took a couple of glances at his face and he looked really worried.

I finished patching the cat up and put a large bandage over the stitches, to keep them clean. I dusted off my hands and stroked the cat's fur gently, showing that he was safe here.

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