Ending In Yelling // T. Posey

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"Ty!" I yelled out into the house, "I'm home!"

"Jupe!" He yells out in happiness.

I close the door to our apartment and throw my keys on the kitchen counter, making my way to the lounge where Tyler is no doubt watching one of the shows I'm in.

"Asshead." I giggled, plopping down onto our sofa.

"Uh-huh, okay." He raised his eyebrows and smiled, his face coming closer to mine.

"Mhm, yeah." I nodded and kissed him softly.

We pulled away and he smiled, "Never gets old." He breathed.

"Never will." I smiled.


I groaned at hearing the TV blaring downstairs. I checked my phone for the time, "8am? 8a-fucking-m?" I grumbled and trudged down the stairs to the lounge. I stopped in the doorway, staring daggers at the back of Tyler's head as he continued to watch one of the many tv shows that occupied his time.

"Are you just going to stand there?" He asked coldly.

"It's fucking 8am, Ty. Do you have to have the tv so loud?" I asked just as sourly.

"You're up now, aren't you?" He snapped.

"Shut up, you ass." I rolled my eyes and went into the kitchen to make coffee and pancakes for myself. I knew Tyler would come in and demand some soon, but I'll make him wait and bide his time.

"J!" He yelled.

"Ty!" I shouted back.

"Make me coffee." He bellowed.

"Magic fucking word, Posey!" I snapped.


"Fuck you." I shouted, not even wanting to smile.

"Please?" He yelled again.

"Whatever." I mumbled and threw a couple of bacon pieces and sausages into the pan, mixing the pancake batter with the other arm.

I let them fry until the bacon was almost burnt, and the sausages were in a similar condition. I don't like eating soft bacon okay? I dried the grease from them with kitchen paper and left them in the oven, to keep them hot while I cooked my pancakes. I poured the batter into the pan and let it bake until it was cooked, it literally looked like it was from a movie set. About half an hour later, I had a small stack of about six pancakes and the two crispy pieces of bacon and two slightly charred sausages.

I plated them up and sat on the counter with my coffee. That was when the wailing started.

"You making bacon?" Tyler yelled.

"No, I'm drinking gas. Yes I'm making bacon!" I shouted back.

"Then why isn't there a plate in front of me?" He chuckled bitterly as he walked into the kitchen.

"You looked rather engrossed in your series." I spat as I took a sip of my coffee. "I would've just been yelled at, like usual."

Tyler rolled his eyes and snatched a sausage from my plate and took my coffee back into the lounge. I sighed and shook my head, I didn't understand why he was being like this lately. He's been snapping at me all the time, yelling when I slightly inconvenience him. I huffed and hopped off the counter, if he was going to be in a bad mood, I'd go hang out with Dylan. My only friend at this point. I jogged upstairs to shower and change, dried and straightened my hair, changed into black jeans and a stretched Queen tank top.

I headed back downstairs and grabbed my purse, checked for my phone and keys, and went to leave.

"Ty! I'm going out!" I shouted. Our poor, poor neighbours.

"Where are you headed?" He bellowed back.

"Out!" I yelled and slammed the door closed behind me.

I skipped out to my car and jumped in. I don't see Dylan often, since he's filming most of the time, but when I do we have so much fun. He's my boyfriend's best friend, but he's also my best friend. I started my car and started on my way to his house, on the other side of the city. I got there surprisingly quickly, considering this is L.A. and it's a tourist magnet, and knocked on Dylan's front door. After about a minute or so, a shirtless Dylan came to the door looking happily confused to see me.

"J! What are you doing here?" He smiled and hugged me.

"Just thought I'd come say hi to my best friend." I shrugged and smiled back.

"Shut up. Come in though." He laughed and let me inside.

I dropped my purse on the floor in the passage, leaving my shoes next to it. I sauntered into the kitchen and hopped onto the island counter, snatching an apple from the fruit bowl in the centre. I lay down flat on the island and snapped my head towards him, giving him a completely fake glare. Dylan laughed and shook his head at my antics.

"You look bored." He raised his eyebrows.

"It's Saturday, he's watching TV, and I just don't want to be alone all day." I grumbled sadly.

"If you're not happy then leave. It's not that hard to get Tyler through break-ups." Dylan suggested nonchalantly.

"Really." I said sarcastically, Dylan laughed and I rolled my eyes.

"Talk to him. It's not that difficult."

"It's not that simple, either." I groaned, "If I do something even slightly wrong, in his opinion, I'm basically the Zodiac Killer."

"What's wrong with him then?" Dylan's brow creased. I shrugged.

"He's just been grouchy as fuck lately, and I can't have a normal conversation with him without it ending in yelling." I sat up and tucked my knees to my chest, resting my head on them to face Dylan. "What do I do, Dyl?"

"Don't do anything, for now. I'll talk to him, ask what's up." He sipped his coffee, which I hadn't even noticed he had made.

"Fine. You figure it out." I sighed and moved my head to face the wall on the opposite side of the room to Dylan.

"Hey," He grabbed my chin to make me face him, "Don't worry. It's Tyler, he's probably just on his man period."

I laughed and nodded, "Probably."

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