Is this what always happens at a military base?

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Morning came and Remus got barely any sleep, yet he was still pretty awake. Logan was already up and was asking Janus about the research he had, who was still half asleep. Roman was messing with his sword and Patton was still asleep, while Virgil was reading his journal. He was so concentrated on reading it that he hadn't realized that it was morning and everyone was already up. So when Remus spoke to him, he almost died... again.

"What'cha reading?" Remus asked, making Virgil drop his book. He tried to grab it but Remus got to it first. "Hmm... Zombies are outside and I don't have much ammo. I wish my family were still here, then they might be able to help me live through this. If this is the last sentence in my book, then that means I'm either dead or turned, if so please remember who wrote this: Virgil Storm. " Remus' smile fell as he realized this wasn't just a little book, this was his journal. There were some more written very messily at the bottom, but the book was snatched away before he could read it.

"You shouldn't touch things that aren't yours." Roman growled as he gave the book back to Virgil, who looked terrified that his last words were spoken aloud to everyone here.

"I... I, uh..." For once, Remus had no idea on what to say. He had just read the zombies last known words from when he was human. Usually he liked disturbing things, but this was more sad than it was disturbing.

"Uh, Remus, can you go get the second microscope from the supplies?" Janus asked as he and Logan hadn't heard anything that had happened since they were too busy talking to each other to notice.

"Y-Yeah..." He said before walking over to a small cabinet that probably held the microscope Janus needed. Roman walked over to Virgil, who still had a look of fear after the whole ordeal.

"Hey, you alright?" Roman asked his undead friend.

"Y-Yeah... f-fine..." Virgil mumbled as he finally snapped out of his trance and stuffed his notebook back into his bag. "... T-Thank you..."

"Heh, no problem, stormcloud." Roman gave the zombie a smile before walking over to wake up Patton.

Virgil continued to stare at the spot where Roman once stood before his brows started to furrow in confusion. "S-Stormcloud...?" Then he jumped as someone yelled.

"You want me to ASK a ZOMBIE?!?" Janus shouted at Logan, now being fully awake after Logan had told him something.

"That would be ideal, yes." Logan replied robotically, seeming calm about someone shouting in his face and only the slightest bit angry. "Is that a problem?"

"Wh- YES!! I'm not gonna just ask the one thing that has probably killed thousands of people!!" Janus hissed(lol) as he flung around an empty syringe that was most likely for Virgil. "Remus, stop touching my two headed snake-"

"But it was looking at me! Both of them!" Remus whined as he pulled his finger away from the small enclosure.

"I don't care! You know that she hates being bothered this early in the morning!" Janus yelled as he put the syringe back down. He seemed to hiss his 'S's when he was angry. "And you!" He pointed at Logan, bringing his focus back to the subject at hand. "All I said is that I need a sample! It's like drawing blood! Actually, it is drawing blood! So I don't see why I need to ask that thing-"

"Virgil." Logan cut off. "His name is Virgil." Logan seemed a little more pissed off than before.

"Whatever! I'm going back to bed!" Janus somehow spun around on his heel, snatched his blanket away from Patton, who had started folding it when he woke up, and went back to sleep in one swift motion.

"... It's not too healthy to stay in bed all day-" Patton tried to say, but was interrupted by a loud CLANG that erupted throughout the tent.

"I found the microscope!" Over by a closet was a bunch of science equipment fallen over, and right in the middle was a hand sticking out of it holding a microscope. Janus had sat up in the makeshift bed and looked over at the mess before anger filled his eyes.

"REMUS!!" He hissed as he quickly got out of bed and pulled the man out of the disorganized equipment. Then began to scold him like an angry mother. "I told you not to take things out when other things are on top of it!! Look at all the science equipment that you messed up! I bet most of it is broken! And didn't I tell you about this last week?? And why is your underwear in here?! And-!"

He went on and on while the other four could only listen. Soon, the mess was picked up, along with Logan taking about half an hour organizing it by alphabetical order, and Janus was stuck with the same problem with the zombie since it was already too late to go back to sleep. He was currently standing in front of the zombie, holding the same empty syringe, and having a mix of anger and fear on his face.

"... D-Do you... N-Need my b-blood for t-test... testing, or...." Virgil gave the man a questioning look, since it's been about an hour and a half since Janus had started staring at him.

".... Will..." Janus began, taking a deep breath through his nose. "... Will you let me take a blood sample...?"

"Uh... s-sure-" Virgil was barely able to even finish as Janus let out a long breath. His shoulders also began to relax, though Virgil didn't even know the man was tensing them.

"Oh, thank God!" Janus sighed before straightening back up once he remembered that there was a zombie in front of him. "Uh, I-I mean, good! C-Cause I was going to do whether you like it or not!" He announced, but there was a long, awkward silence as the zombie didn't make any noises or moves to reply to the tense man. "I-I'm just gonna take the sample now-" He quickly stuck the syringe in and took the blood, taking him almost half a second to get away from the undead boy. He put some blood on a thin piece of glass and shoved it under a microscope, staying silent as he observed it.

"Heya kiddo!" Patton shouted as he walked over to Virgil. "How are ya doing'?" The father figure seemed to have a solemn look, but tried to cover it up with a bright smile. Though Virgil didn't feel like he had any right to push the issue.

"F-Fine... bored..." Virgil gave a tired shrug as he messed with a bit of dirt that found itself in the metal cage. "... Hungry..." Both Remus and Janus looked over at the zombie as he said those last words, both having the same look of fear. Though Patton, Roman, and Logan all seemed very calm about it.

"Well, you did bring your food with you, right?" Patton asked. "If not, I'm sure the general can bring us some."

"N-No... I h-have it... in... bag..." Virgil winced a bit at his grammar, but slowly reached inside his bag and grabbed a smaller, plastic bag of dried deer meat. "W-Want... some...?" He gestured towards the food as Patton tried to keep from holding back a disgusted look.

"N-No, I'm good!" Patton gave another smile. "I don't really like dried meats!"

"O-Okay..." Virgil opened the bag and grabbed a piece to eat, but stopped when he noticed everybody looking at him. "U-Umm..." He began to look towards the ground as he slowly lowered the food.

"Hm?" Patton looked around before realizing that everyone was watching him. "Oh! I got it." Patton stood up, gaining a confused look from the zombie. "Stop looking at him! He's not comfortable eating with everyone looking at him!" Patton shouted as he gave a quick smile to Virgil and a thumbs up. Everyone soon went back to their work and Virgil began to eat his food, a little bit more comfortable than before.

Word Count: 1379

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