Logicality? Maybe...

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The next morning, Logan and Patton packed their things and headed out. It was pretty early, so the zombies would be somewhere huddled next to each other, which was better than them being around the two humans. They looked around the pharmacy, the Auto Parts store, and even the old gas station! But found nothing. Roman was gone, and so was Patton’s bag which had his only picture of his family.

He promised himself that no matter what, he would keep it safe, and what did he do? He dropped it and ran. Why was he so stupid! Logan would never do that. Logan never messed anything up! He was always right and knew how to do everything, except socialize. But besides that, he was perfect! And Patton was just an emotional mess… Speaking of which, he started to cry. Of course, he did it quietly so he would alert any zombies, but he still cried. Which caught Logan’s attention.

“P-Patton?” Logan whispered. “Why are you crying? Is it because of Roman? If so, don’t worry, we’ll find him.”

“I… I k-know we’ll f-find him, it’s just…” He sniffed a bit. “He’s so good at protecting people… and y-you’re so smart… and I-I’m just… Just… I’m u-useless…” Then he started to sob into his hands. Logan hesitantly pulled Patton into a weird hug.

“S-Shh… It… It’ll be okay, Patton…” Logan cooed. It didn’t exactly know what he was doing, but he remembered reading it somewhere that you should comfort someone who is crying. “Y-You’re not useless, as far as I know, you’re the only one who’s been keeping us all sane! If it wasn’t for you, Roman and I would have already ripped each other’s throats out.” That made Patton laugh a bit.

“I g-guess you’re right, you’re always right…” The two laughed. “And you’re never wrong…” Now Patton was sad again.

“Well I…” Logan couldn’t believe he was doing this. “I’m not always right. I have messed up once… Like when I thought infinitesimal meant really big when it actually meant really small…”

“Oh? Are you admitting to doing something wrong?” Patton laughed as Logan blushed a bit. “Never thought I’d see the day.”

“Did you do all that just so I could say I was wrong about something?” Logan grumbled as he looked away.

“Maybe…” They both laughed as they continued their search, which was a bit less gloomy than before.

Word count: 412

A/N- Sorry that all of the moments between Logan and Patton are short, I just don't know what to write for them. Anyway... back to Virgil and Roman!

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