When your friend stabs you in the back.... actually, he's not a friend

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Logan and Patton let out a long sigh as they went back home empty handed.

“I don’t get it! There should at least be a body if he died!” Logan slammed the door shut as he placed his machete on the ground. He pulled his fingers through his hair as he groaned. “Where the hell could he be?!”

“I-I’m sure he’s somewhere around here, he can’t go far with a broken leg, right?” Patton started to chew on his finger as Logan’s eyes widened.

“His leg’s BROKEN!?”

“Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you about that!” Patton laughed a bit before taking in what Logan just said. “OH GOD, HE’S LEG’S BROKEN!!” And now he was panicking. Logan opened his mouth to say something before someone knocked on the door.

“W-Who’s that?” Patton eyed the door while Logan grabbed his gun and a bat. He slowly looked through the peephole to see a zombie.

“Patton, stay there.” He slowly opened the door and hit the zombie in the chest. He then walked out and held his gun to its head. “Damn rotters.” He pulled the trigger, but missed when someone pushed him. “Patton what’re you-” Roman. He stared Roman in the eyes before hugging the human, but then Roman pulled away while grabbing Logan’s gun.

“R-Roman, I know you like taking the spotlight, but if you’re going to shoot the damn thing, shoot it!” Logan pointed at the zombie who was curled up in a ball with its arms above its head.

“W-What is it doing…?” Patton asked, then the two gasped as Roman threw the gun as far away from them as possible.

“Don’t worry, Virgil! I made a promise! You’re fine!” Roman patted the zombie on the shoulder as he gave it a warm smile.

“R-Roman! G-Get away from that thing!” Patton screamed, but was even more shocked when the zombie flinched.

“Don’t yell! He doesn’t like loud noises!” Roman protested as he glared at the two.

“Stop calling it a ‘he’, it’s not alive!” Logan yelled as he grabbed his gun and pointed it at the zombie. “Now move out of the way so I can kill it!”

“Well he’s more alive than you!” Roman shouted without thinking. “I-I mean, he was a person and he acts like a person. He can actually talk! Go ahead Virgil! Show them!” The zombie opened its mouth, but Logan shouted before it could even make a peep.

“Roman! Get away from it! It’s gonna bite!” Virgil immediately placed his hands over his mouth as he felt like he was going to barf. He looked around before noticing a trash can and hurriedly put his head in it, letting his fluids come out. Luckily, he couldn’t really feel the burning sensation that he would if he was alive.

“Is it… Puking?” Patton looked at the creature in confusion. “Why is he-it, puking?”

“He doesn’t like the thought of eating or biting a human.” Roman shrugged as he patted Virgil on the back. “Once I told him that I thought he ate you then he ran to the bathroom. I really wanted to go in, but I didn’t feel like seeing puke.”

“Please s-stop talking… about it…” The two humans stared in fear and shock as the zombie spoke. “It… m-makes it… w-worse…” Then he barfed again.

“Did it actually just…?” Logan’s arm fell a bit as he stared wide-eyed at the zombie.

“Alright alright, I won’t.” Roman laughed a bit. “See! I told you he could talk!”

“Is… Is he r-really not dangerous?” Patton dared to ask. Logan opened his mouth to protest, but Roman beat him to it.

“Of course! He saved my life!” Roman smiled as the zombie pulled out a small towel from his hoodie pocket and wiped his mouth. “Look! He knows how to bandage wounds!” Roman showed off the zombies super awesome bandaging skills to the two humans. Patton started to walk towards the two and kneeled down. He held out his hand to the zombie, which was actually around his size.

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