Let's talk

22 1 1

"So, you said you missed having dreams?" Remus questioned. The zombie gave a slow nod in response, observing the human's every move. "What do you miss about them? Like, why do you miss them?"

"Dreams a... a-allowed esc-cape... f-from... life..." Virgil answered, looking to the side a bit as he did so.

"Oh, I thought it would be more intriguing than that. Like, "I miss them because in them I could de bowel a scary dragon witch that's been bothering me and my kingdom my whole life!", along with all your weird grammar and stuff." Virgil gave Remus a look that just said "What the hell is wrong with you??" and "Do you just have that on hand all the time for this exact conversation??"

"Remus, stop messing with that thing and come here. I need you to get me something from Joan and Thomas." Janus hissed. Remus quickly went over to him and awaited orders. "I need you to get two dozen chicken eggs and some thimerosal, and please hurry." Remus gave a thumbs up and headed out of the large tent, allowing Logan to ask some questions about the needed ingredients.

"I understand that you need protein for the cure, but why two dozen?" Logan questioned, adjusting his glasses.

"I'm trying to find a cure to a disease that basically resurrects the dead, so I have no clue if it will even be possible to do so. So, to make this easier for Remus, I asked him to get two dozen because I will need to run several tests in an unknown number of time." Janus answered, pouring some green liquid into a beaker of blue liquid. "Uh, do you... Do you think you could pass me that tube of aluminum hydroxide...?"

"Oh, of course, here-" Logan handed the snek man a tube of some white, dusty powder that could've been easily mistaken as crack. Patton was messing with his cat hoodie that was taken off his shoulders, fiddling with it nervously. Roman caught the movement and went over to his friend with a calm smile.

"Hey, padre! What's up?" Roman questioned his usually happy pappy Patton.

"Hm? Oh! Nothing, just..." He looked to the side, eyes glancing over at Virgil before returning to Roman. "... I'm just thinking about what other things might be at this whole military base camp! I mean, there's gotta be something more fun to do other than just sitting around!... Right?"

Roman let out a gasp that was much louder than necessary. "Patton, you are a genius!" Roman then whipped his head around to look over at Janus, who didn't see him until he spoke. "Janus!" The snek man jumped at the sound of his name. "Are there any fun things to do around here?"

"Wha- FUN!?!" Janus gasped. "You do realize that we're in a zombie apocalypse and are trying to stay alive, right??" Logan placed a hand on his shoulder before replying with. "Don't even bother. I've tried that many times and it has always failed me."

"You could just say no," Roman huffed, standing up and dragging Patton with him, who quickly put his cat hoodie back around his shoulders with a bright smile. "Well, I guess we'll have to find the fun ourselves. Be right back!!" And with that, they left.

"Y-You can't just leave! And you won't find any fun at a military base, you morons!!" Janus tried to shout but was left without a response. "Ugh, well at least you're not dumb enough to wander around aimlessly." He huffed, directing his statement towards Logan.

"Yes, but I feel like I should go check on Remus. He's been gone for a while now and I don't think it should take that long to grab some eggs." Logan replied, walking off and out of the tent. "Or maybe he can't carry them...?"

"W-Wait! You're just gonna leave me here with the zombie?!" Once again, he was left with no reply. His throat felt tight and he could feel the sweat bead on his forehead. They left him with a zombie. The thing that could kill him with a single bite. Did the General really bring a bunch of idiots into the base?! He thought at least one of them was smart, but then he left too! What if it gets out? What if it tries to eat him? It did say it was hungry the other day, is it satisfied with the dried meat or does it want more? Something fresher? Something ALIVE-

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2021 ⏰

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