chapter 6

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Nagito's pov:

I can't believe he followed me here. Yet again it makes sense due to my lack of explanation for running off. Wanting an answer from him i asked, "What are you doing here Hajime?" It was then that i realised he was blushing. "Um. W-would you believe me if I said I was in the neighborhood?" I looked at him with a hidden smile at his excuse, "You do know that the buildings on this street are all abandoned right?" I tried to use the strictest voice I could muster in the chaos that had just gone down. "Uh, yes..." He then sighed in surrender, "I followed you because I wanted to talk to you about something." I was a little angry at him for following me but I was even more curious about what Hajime wanted to talk about. "What is it Hajime?" I finally questioned him. He looked around the room then at me, "Can we take this outside? As a private conversation." I heard people sighing at his response. They must've been more curious than I was. "Sure we can." I told him and we went outside. "Um. Nagito. I uh. Wanted to talk about our encounter at the beach." He stuttered out. Suddenly that butterfly feeling was back and my cheeks became warm."Yeah. I uh. Remember that day. You were with Teruteru and Kazuichi right?" I can't believe how shy I was. "Um. I just wanted to let you know that I wasn't looking at the girls. I was making sure that the other two where being polite and not being jerks to the girls. In actual fact I'm not into women. I uh. I'm into.uh. BOYS." I was left speechless. Just standing there blushing like crazy. It took me a while to process Hajime's words before it hit me. Hajime likes guys. I became overjoyed and without thinking I hugged him. "Don't worry Hajime. I'm into guys to." I back off of him a bit. I looked directly at him then a realisation came to me. His lips were a mere centimetre away from mine. This caused Hajime to look at me in my reddened state. It took him a while before he came to the same thought as me, turning his cheeks into a fiery red. After what felt like forever we looked into eachother's eyes again. I've never noticed how beautifully green his eyes were. If i could I would stare into those emerald orbs forever. Out of nowhere I feel a sweet sensation on my lips. It felt so right like it was meant to happen.
Author's note

Thank you for reading . I hope this chapter is to your satisfaction. I've decided to try and move things along more. Sorry if I don't get the chapters out in a few days from the others. My end of year assessments are coming up, but I'll try to get them out as soon as possible.

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