Chapter 18

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~a few days later~

Shuichi's pov:

Kichi had insisted that we went to visit Kirigiri and her wife Celeste. So like the loving husband I am, I agreed to take him.
Once we had arrived Kichi ran out of our car to knock on their door. Kirigiri was the one to open the door, as soon as she did my husband excitingly asked her, "Where is he?" I was a bit confused at his question, but I didn't question what he meant and walked behind him inside. There house was small but it had enough room for 3 people. A small cry had come from the living room door, I looked up to see Celeste holding a newborn baby. He was adorable, he had Kirigiri's lilac eyes with Celeste's black hair and he had a small button nose. Kichi walked over to her. "Can I hold him? Please Celeste," he pleaded for a bit more before the raven haired woman gave in and let him hold the infant.

Kirigiri's pov:

It was cute the way my dear was protecting our son from Oma's little hands. It took her a while to even let him go fully near Akira. "Darling you don't have to glare at Kokichi, he's not going to hurt Akira." I decided to calm my paranoid wife. She eased up a bit as I pulled her into a hug. "Fine, but I still would rather Shuichi hold him than Kokichi though." She's always been stubborn. Stubborn yet cute. "Oh, um. I don't think that would be a good idea, Kichi is better than I am with that kind of stuff." He gave us one of his signature shy looks.

Shuichi's pov:

I'm not even fully sure of what's going on but watching my small husband hold the infant surprised me a little. His face so... Contempt. He looks happy, no smirk, no lies just a beaming smile on  his pure face. Makes me wonder what happened to hurt him so much that he felt he had to hide himself. His true self. I wonder how long it will take for him to show such an adorable side of him to the rest of the world. "Kichi we should head back home, it's almost lunchtime." He replied with a simple nod and handed back the small child to our friends and we both said our farewells.

Kokichi's pov:

It was a slow drive home. Shumai seemed to be a bit distracted by something, but as Shumai does he kept it hidden. "Shumai are you ok?" He looked at me then back at the road, "I'm fine dear, just thinking," It didn't take me that long to reply,"about what?". "About what it would be like to have a kid, one of our own. I mean- nevermind it's silly."  It caught me a bit off guard but if I'm being honest I thought the exact same,"Shuichi my beloved, it's not silly. If you really want to we could get a surrogate or adopt. In other words I also want the same." We had arrived at home, "are you sure?" I nodded my head as I got out of the car heading towards the house and unlocked the door Shumai wasn't that far behind. He picked me up and spun me around,"I love you Kokichi." He gave me a passionate kiss and we hugged for a few minutes.

Author's note

Thank you for reading. Hope this chapter is good next chapter soon.

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