chapter 12

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~a few months later~

Hajime's pov:

It's been a few months since Nagi and I started dating, people have started to change because of it, for the better and the worst. Nagi lives in my apartment with me now, it took him a while to get used to it but now it's just like we've been living together for years. I love waking up in the morning to his tender smile and sitting together for meals. However some classmates have been avoiding me, mainly Teruteru though. Kazuichi also came out to me as bisexual as well as telling me about his crush on Gundham (the ultimate animal breeder) and now I'm his "wingman". Anyway, I hang out with a lot of Nagi's friends with the exceptions of 4 people from my friend group and Naegi's group. I talked to my mum's on the phone a few days ago. They found out that me and Komaeda are dating and now they want to meet him! I haven't told him yet but I said that they could come and stay with us for a week. Nagi is going to kill me for such a short notice(shorter than Levi Ackerman).
"Hinata-kun what's on your mind, you've been quiet for a few minutes now?" The angelic voice inquired. I swooned a bit but then realized that he wanted an answer from me, "I'm just worried about my mums coming over for a week," I quickly replied and a few seconds later the voice countered with, "A WEEK! Hinata-kun you should have told me, we need to clean the house before they arrive. It's a mess in there." There wasn't any mess there at all and even if there was my mum's wouldn't have minded it, them being messy people themselves.
We rushed home anyway after school had finished to clean the house.

~after cleaning~

We finished cleaning the house and just in time to start making dinner. Half way through making it my parents knocked on the door. When I opened it they gave me the biggest hug they could, then came in side, being met with my shy boyfriend setting the table. They stopped in the living room, putting their luggage down and ran towards Nagi and...
Author's note

Hey guys, I hope you really enjoyed this chapter, I wanted to make Hajime's parents women to add a sense of a friendly patent, child relationship. Sorry for not publishing this chapter sooner. It's been a while since I had an idea for a chapter. If you have any story suggestions please write it in the comments as well as some Q'n'A questions. Thank you for all you're support. 

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