Chapter 13

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Nagito's pov:

Hinata's parents dropped their bags and instantly ran to me. I braced myself for the numb pain I had expected but there was no pain or numbness. Just a warm force that felt like home. I opened my eyes that I hadn't noticed were closed before. I was met with two loving smiles of my boyfriend's parents. "It's great to finally meet you Komaeda." One of them had said, I later found out her name was Asuka. The other one introduced herself as Chiyoko. We all sat down at the dinner table, I got to know Hinata-kun's parents better as well. They are complete opposites. Miss Asuka is more of a child compared to Miss Chiyoko, who was kind but also very serious. Yet both of them kept making jokes as well as talking about Hinata when he was a kid. This made him blush in embarrassment, to which I laugh then cuddled him. After dinner, I showed them to their room and curled up on Hinata's lap, burying my nose into his collar bone, taking in his scent of fresh forest dew. We layed like that until I fell asleep.

Hajime's pov:

I was worried about my parents meeting Nagi, but now I'm sure they'll ask me when I'm gonna propose to him. I sat on the sofa(couch) with my fluffy, white haired boyfriend on my lap, quietly snoring. I could hear my mother's small giggles in the doorway. "Awww, he fell asleep in your arms." She squeeled, making Nagi move a little, " Yeah he is adorable, anyway I'm gonna take him to our room the T.V is yours for the night." I told them before picking Nagi up bridal style and carrying him to our bedroom. He stirred a bit when I put him down on the bed, I went to leave the room but a soft, pale hand grabbed onto me, " H-Hinata-kun, please stay with me," He Whispered. I turned around and climbed into the bed myself, "Don't worry Nagi, I'll stay here by your side," I assured him. He cuddled up to me once again. "I know you will, I love you Hinata-kun." He whispered sleepily and hugged me so I couldn't leave. I gave up on staying awake and rested my chin on top of his head softly. Eventually I gave into sleep and closed my eyes, still holding my beautiful boyfriend.
Author's note

Thanks for reading. It still amazes me how many people are reading this terrible book. 
It is written by a teen after all. Anyway, Be the best you can, Be healthy and Be safe.


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