Part 1

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Y/b/n = Your brother's name

Y/l/n = Your last name

Y/n = Your name

Your POV

I had been a member of the BAU team for 2 years and dating Jennifer Jareau for over a year. I fit in perfectly with the team and everyone loved me, nobody loved me more than JJ though.

We worked well together, though because we were both romantically involved we couldn't be teamed up together. Emily was teamed up with me, while JJ was teamed up with Spencer.

We didn't have a case today but we were all called in to do paperwork that needed to be done ASAP. I absolutely hated doing paperwork, that was the boring part about working in the FBI.

I often got bored while doing paperwork and would torment Morgan. It was a kind of competition the two of us had going on, it was also entertaining for everyone else to watch. JJ tended to stay out of it but would get involved if the two of us were going too far with our pranks. I looked around the office to see everyone doing work. I doubled back to look at JJ to make sure she wasn't watching me. I then looked back over at Morgan and grinned.

I tore some paper out of my notebook and screwed it up into a ball, I looked out of the corner of my eye to see JJ was still working. I looked back at Morgan and chucked the wad of paper, I watched as the paper bounced off of Morgan's head. I turned in my chair to stop myself from laughing.

Morgan looked around and glared at me. I looked out the corner of my eye to see him motioning for JJ to do something. JJ looked over at me, smiled and shook her head, getting back to work. This made me laugh hard. I heard Morgan get up and walk towards me. Morgan turned my chair around so that I had to face him. I couldn't help but laugh.

Morgan smiled. "Nice shot kid"

I rolled my eyes. "I really wish you'd stop calling me kid."

Morgan laughed at that. We both looked up as Garcia walked in to the room.

I got her attention and waved her over. "Hey Pen, I need some files from your office, can I go get them please?"

Penelope nodded. "Sure sunshine no problem."

I smiled and got up to go to Penelope's office for the files. As I was walking Morgan tried to trip me. I spun round glaring at him. I then turned to my girlfriend. "JJ he just tripped me."

JJ looked between me and Morgan before playfully glaring at us both. "Children behave, before I ground you both."

Me and Morgan shared a look and started laughing. I walked out the room and Morgan shrugged and followed behind me. He had a lot of paperwork to do, which he obviously didn't want to do.

Once inside the office I started looking for the files. I looked over my shoulder to see Morgan looking at all the trinkets on Penelope's desk.

"Aww this is cute." I looked over at him to see him holding up a picture of me and JJ on a girls night out.

I grinned, rolling my eyes at him. "Yeah yeah, now put it down before you break it knuckle head."

Morgan put the picture back and put his hand to his chest acting wounded. "Aww you wound me darling."

I rolled my eyes and carried on looking for the files. "Yeah, of course I did you numpty." Me and Morgan both looked up when we heard alarms blaring.

"Morgan, what the hell is that?"

Morgan quickly moved towards the door, locking it before turning back to me. "Okay, what's going on Derek?!"

Morgan put his finger to his lip motioning for me to be quiet. He walked back over to me and whispered. "We're on lockdown..."

I started messing with the computers, Morgan came to stand next to me, whispering again. "What you doing? Just cause you've spent a lot of time helping Garcia doesn't mean she won't kill you if you break something."

I smiled, shaking my head. "I do know things about computers, I'm setting up a video feed so we can talk to the guys."

I clicked the enter key and Hotch's face appeared on the screen..

"Are you both okay?"

Me and Morgan both nodded, I saw the others walk up to the screen all looking relieved.

I saw JJ and smiled, she looked worried but okay. I looked back to Hotch. "Hotch do we know why we're on lockdown?"

Hotch sighed. "Someone got past the front desk with a gun, now his loose in the building."

You frowned. "Do you know who?"

Hotch looked to Garcia, she quickly came into view and started typing on her tablet. "Yeah someone called Y/b/n Y/l/n."

Garcia looked up at the screen when I gasped, but Hotch spoke up before she could say anything. "Is everything okay Y/n."

I shook my head. "No Hotch I know who the guy with the gun is it's my little brother. I haven't seen him or even spoken to him in years."

I saw everyone look anxiously at each other, they all knew I had a bad relationship with all of my family.

I felt Morgan put a comforting hand on my shoulder. We both looked towards the door when we heard a commotion.

"Morgan, Y/l/n, whats going on?"

We didn't say anything, I quickly started typing on the computers. I got the security footage outside of Penelopes office to see my brother standing there. Great bloody idiot. I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

I spun around when I heard my brother banging on the door. Neither me or Morgan had our guns, we left them in our desks.

Suddenly the door was kicked in and my brother was smiling in the door way. "Hey Y/n, long time no see miss me?"

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