Part 7

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M/b/n = Your brothers name.

In the time since my death, my brother had some how broken out of prison and no one had been able to find him.

Aaron's POV

I was walking around the corner, just ending a phone call as I saw Emily make her way towards me.

"Hey, got your message."

I sighed, looking at her. "It's time."

"Why? We may be able to find M/b/n without her."

"No, we need her, she's on her way."

Emily sighed. "I'll go get the team."

Morgan walked into the room with Emily behind him.

Reid turned when they entered. "Any news on M/b/n."

JJ shook her head.

I stood at the front. "Everybody have a seat."

Emily came to stand next to me, while everyone apart from Morgan sat down. "Why? What's going on? Is everything alright?"

I crossed my arms. "7 months ago I made a decision, a decision that affected this team. As you all know Y/n had lost a lot of blood after her fight with her father, but the doctors managed to stabilise her and she was air lifted to a different hospital. Her identity was strictly need to know, she stayed there until she was well enough to travel, she was reassigned in Paris where she was given several identities, none of which we had access to for her security."

Penelope looked at me with tears in her eyes. "She's alive?"

Spencer looked confused. "But we buried her."

I looked down. "As I said I take full responsibility for the decision, if anyone has any issues they should be directed towards me."

JJ looked shell shocked. "Any issues? Yeah I got issues...You two made me believe my girlfriend was dead! The woman I love!"

JJ turned when she heard Penelope. "Oh my god..."

Your POV.

I stood in the door way, seeing my team for the first time since my death. I hugged Reid. "I am so sorry, I really am, not a day went by that I didn't wanna...really you didn't deserve that and I'm so sorry." I went and pulled Morgan into a hug.

I looked and saw JJ crying and went and hugged her, she cried into my shoulder. I sighed against her. "I am so was the only way to protect you...I needed my dad to think I was dead...I never stopped wanting to come come back to you...I wanted you to know the was just too dangerous...I couldn't put you in anymore danger baby...I am so so sorry...I love much..."

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