Part 11

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We pulled up to the warehouse. I quickly jumped out the SUV along with everyone else, before I could make my way inside Hotch was in front of me.

"Hotch what the hell?! Move!"

Hotch put his hand on my shoulder. "JJ we can't just run in there..."

I sighed. "Yeah...sorry..."

"No need to apologise, we all want to get Y/n back."

Your POV

When I woke up, everything was blurry and my head hurt... Ouch...

My dad walked towards me. "Oh good you woke up, I thought you was'd be no fun if you were dead."

Dad pulled me up by the hair, I cried out.

I kicked at him and he loosened his grip and threw me against a wall. "What the hell do you want?!"

My brother walked out from behind a big box. "Aww, don't you want to see me?"

I turned. "Wait...if M/b/n's here...why did you need me?"

Dad smiled. "I didn't, we just thought it would be fun to kill you together."

I rolled my eyes. "Wow, thanks I feel so loved."

My brother grinned. "Oh look dad, she brought her gun!"

I looked down. "Ah shit..."

Next thing I knew my brother was charging at me reaching for my gun, I quickly got it out. My brother barrelled into me sending us both to the floor.

I groaned and looked around the room. I looked to dad who was leaning against the wall, watching.

I noticed the gun and my brother reaching for it. I quickly made my way to the gun. Me and my brother both got to the gun at the same time. A fight soon ensued.

Suddenly the gun went off...


We all spun around when we heard the gun shot...without thinking I ran inside the building. I knew everyone else was behind me...

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