Part 12

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Your POV

I gasped when I felt the bullet. I clutched my stomach to see blood seeping between my fingers. I looked up when I heard people running towards us. I gasped again when I saw Hotch and the others.

I looked past them and locked eyes with JJ. JJ's eyes trailed to my hands that were coated in blood. Out of the corner of my eye I saw my brother go to pick up the gun. Before he could get there Morgan tackled him to the floor.

My dad tried to run but he was tackled by Hotch. My legs began to shake and I started to crash to the floor, before my head could hit the ground, I felt someone catch me. I looked up to see JJ looking at me worriedly. That was the last thing I remember before everything went dark.


I watched Morgan and Hotch tackle Y/n's brother and father to the floor. I looked back at Y/n and notice her legs begin to shake. I saw her starting to fall to the floor. I quickly made my way towards her, catching her before she could hit the floor. I couldn't stop the worried look. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she passed out.

Everything happened in a blur. Y/n's brother and father were taken away and an ambulance was called for Y/n. When we got to the hospital she was taken away to have the bullet removed.

I couldn't stop pacing Y/n had been in surgery for over 2 hours. I stopped pacing when a doctor came out and told us all that Y/n was awake and wanted to see us.

Penelope wrapped me in a hug. "You can go see her on your own if you want to?" I shook my head. "No, she should see all of us." Penelope nodded and linked our arms. We all walked into the room to see Y/n trying to get out of bed.

I quickly walked over to Y/n's bed and gently pushed her back on to it, she looked at me and sighed. I shook my head frowning. "Don't even try it! What were you thinking?!" Y/n didn't meet my eyes. "I didn't want any of you to get hurt because of me...I'm sorry..."

I shook my head, tears threatening to fall. I looked behind me to see that everyone had silently left the room. I looked back at Y/n when I felt her crying.

I took her hand in mine. "Hey...what's wrong? Are you in pain?! Do you need me to get the doctor?!" Y/n shook her head. "No, I'm not in pain, they put me on some good painkillers. I just...You're going to break up with me aren't you?"

I shook my head. "Of course I'm not, I love you, I always will, I just want you to stop being so reckless...I can't lose you...I wouldn't survive."

Y/n wiped her eyes and kissed my hand. "I'm so sorry babe, you're right, I do need to be more careful."

I shook my head and gently pulled her into a kiss.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2021 ⏰

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