Part 8

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It had been a few weeks since I have come back from the dead. Things with the team was a bit strained, but the only person you really wanted to make amends with was JJ.

We were all currently on a case. I couldn't worry about my brother right now, other people needed me. I just hoped my dad had nothing to do with him getting out of prison.

Though deep down I was grateful for it. If it wasn't for him breaking out of prison I would still be pretending I was dead. While I was away there was a part of me that was scared JJ would have moved on, not that I would blame her of course.

If anything Spencer was more pissed than JJ...but the thing that hurt was that he was more pissed at Emily than me.

Emily's POV.

I couldn't take it anymore...Spencer was avoiding me at all costs, if anything I thought it would have been JJ but she was more understanding.

I saw Reid and JJ in the conference room that was set up for us to use. I sighed and made my way in there, while everyone else was looking at the board trying to find a link to the victims.

Both JJ and Reid looked up when I walked in. JJ smiled at me but Reid avoided eye contact.

Spencer turned to leave but I stood in front of the door stopping him. "Spence please, we need to talk about this."

Spencer huffed and turned back to the table. "What is there to talk about?"

I sighed. "I get it okay? your disappointed with the way we handled things with Y/n."

Reid started shuffling papers on the table. "I have a lot going on, alright."

Reid turned to leave again. I stepped in the way of the door again. "You know what I think it is?"

Reid turned to face me. "What?"

"Your mad that Hotch and I controlled our micro expressions at the hospital and you wasn't able to detect our deception."

JJ looked at me shocked.

Reid shook his head. "You think this is about my profiling skills? Emily listen the only reason, you were able to manage my perceptions was because I trusted you, JJ trusted you... I came to your house for 10 weeks in a row crying over losing a friend and not once did you have the decency to tell me the truth."

I honestly thought I was going to cry. "I couldn't."

Reid scoffed. "You couldn't? Or you wouldn't?"

"NO! I couldn't!"

Reid shook his head. "What if I started taking Dilaudid again? Would you have let me?"

Now I was shocked, he wasn't using again was he? "You didn't."

Reid turned to leave. "Yeah well I thought about it." Reid started walking out the room.

"Spence...I'm sorry"

"It's too late alright!"

Reid left the room and I heard Y/n try to call him back "Reid?"

I looked over to JJ. I sighed and sat in the chair nearest to me. "He hates me..."

I felt JJ sit down next to me. "He doesn't hate you...he just needs time."

I looked over to JJ again. "Why aren't you mad?"

JJ laughed and shook her head. "Oh, don't get me wrong I am mad...but I understand why it had to be done and why I couldn't know..."

Your POV

The case had been solved and we were now on the jet on the way home. I saw Reid sitting on his own and decided to try and talk to him. I quietly sat down opposite him.

Reid looked up from his book, when he saw it was me he quickly looked back down to his book.

I leant forward in my seat and rested my arms on the table. "Spence...can we talk?"

Reid looked up and nodded. "Look I know it upset you when I faked my death but I was doing it to protect everyone."

"How was you faking your death protecting us? We were devastated...JJ was a mess without you...I was a mess without you..."

I gently reached for Spencer's hand which he let me take. "I know Spence...I didn't want to do it...but I knew with my brother in prison, my dad would want revenge on me...he would have come after me and that would have put all of you in danger...if he was watching the team he needed to believe that I had died....the less people that knew about my death the needed to be realistic...the only reason I came back was because my brother broke out and I needed to stop him, but also because I missed you guys...I really am sorry..."

Reid sighed. "I makes sense when you say it like that..."

I smiled. "So am I forgiven?"

Reid nodded.

"What about Emily? Is she forgiven?"

Reid sighed. "I'll go talk to her."

Reid got up and made his way over to Emily.

I leaned my head back and closed my eyes. I opened them again when I heard somebody sit down opposite me. I looked to see JJ

I smiled at her. "Hey bab- I mean hey JJ..."

JJ laughed and leaned forward grinning. "What you not gonna call me babe anymore?"

I laughed. "Sorry, I didn't think you'd want me too."

JJ gently took my hand in hers. "I never stopped loving you Y/n and I understand why you had to do what you did. Also, I heard you telling Reid, it makes sense, if I had of known, I don't think I would have been able to make it look realistic, the grief I mean."

I kissed the back of JJ's hand and rubbed her hand with my thumb. "I'm so sorry I made you go through the grief..."

JJ got up and sat on my lap, she wrapped her arms around my neck and I wrapped my arms around her waist.

JJ looked down at me and smiled. "Well don't be, I have you back and that's all that matters." JJ leaned down and kissed the top of my head.

I looked at JJ in disbelief. "Wait....You still want to be with me?"

JJ laughed. "Of course I do, why wouldn't I?"

I shook my head. "I thought you may have started to move on."

JJ shook her head in return. "Nope...I could never move are my soulmate."

I smiled and moved my hand to cup the back of JJ's neck. I pulled her down into a kiss. I felt JJ smile against my lips.

I would have deepened the kiss but we both pulled back when we heard the team either clapping or wolf whistling to us.

JJ smiled at me. "And anyway, your dad or brother wanna mess with you, they have to get past us."

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