Part 10

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M/d/n = Your dads name

I arrived at an abandoned warehouse. I got out the car and looked around. I couldn't see dad so I made my way inside. I looked around but it was dark.

I hadn't realised how late it was until I heard my phone ringing. I looked at it to see it was JJ.

Phone call in bold.

Me: Hey baby.

JJ: Where are you?

Me: At home why?

JJ: Don't lie to me! Penelope went round to check on you and guess what? You wasn't there!

Me: Shit...

JJ: So where the hell are you?! And don't lie to me either!

Phone call paused.

I was about to answer when I heard a noise behind me. I was about to turn when I felt something hit me hard on the back of the head. I groaned.

Phone call resumed.

JJ: Y/N?!

My dad: Sorry Y/n cant come to the phone right must be JJ...the girlfriend I take it?

JJ: Who the hell are you?!

(JJ now had the phone on speaker so the rest of the team could hear)

My dad: Aww has Y/n never mentioned me? I'm names M/d/n...I'm Y/n's dad.

JJ: Where is she!

My dad: She's unconscious right now, sorry gotta go, bye gorgeous.

Phone call ended.


I whirled round in a panic and looked to Garcia. "Pen..."

Penelope put her hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry JJ I already got a location, I've sent it to your go! Go save our girl! And then kick her ass, after you've kicked her dad's ass!"

I rushed out the room with everyone hot on my heels, I had to save her! I already lost her once before I sure as hell wasn't going to lose her again! She was sure as hell gonna be in trouble after this!

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