Part 2

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M/B/N = My Brothers Name.

I was frozen to the spot, I couldn't believe that my little brother...who I hadn't seen since I was 16 years old was now standing in front of me holding a gun.

I slowly walked towards him with my hands raised. "M/b/n, what are you doing here?"

He frowned at me. "What? Haven't you missed me?"

I rolled my eyes at him, pretending to think." Hmm...let me think...have I missed the person who told me to rot in hell because I'm gay? No I can't say I have."

My brother took a step closer to me, putting his finger on the trigger.

I didn't flinch. "If you've come here to kill me then get it over with, I ain't gonna stop you."

My brother laughed. "That's not why I'm here."

I lowered my hands. "Okay, if you're not here to kill me, why are you here?"

"I'm in trouble and I need help."

I scoffed, shaking my head. "And why would I help you?"

My brother pointed to the video call. "Because if you don't, I'll kill that girlfriend of yours, what's her name again? Jennifer right?"

I was pissed, I took a step closer to him. "Don't you dare threaten her you stupid piece of shit!"

My brother laughed. "Oooh I hit a nerve."

My brother looked over at Morgan for the first time. "Right this is how it's going to go down, Y/n me and you are going to leave the building and no one's going to stop us, you're going to help me and once you have I'll let you go and you'll never have to see me again."

Morgan crossed his arms over his chest. "And what makes you think we're gonna let you take Y/n?"

My brother grinned...I didn't like the way he was grinning... "Because if you don't I'll kill everyone you all love right in front of her, you know I'll do it Y/n and I'll leave Jennifer for last."

I got in his face. "Don't you threaten my family!"

I shouldn't have gotten so close to him, I realised that too late. My brother grabbed me round the neck and pulled me up against his body, my back against his front. He slowly started walking backwards, keeping his gun pointed to my head.

Morgan raised his hands in surrender. "Come on man, you don't need to do this, we can figure something out."

My brother shook his head pressing his gun into me with more force. I winced. I looked at the screen behind Morgan. I looked into JJ's eyes and saw the fear and the tears that were gathering, I closed my eyes, I couldn't stand seeing how heart broken JJ looked, I never wanted to see her like that, damn if only I would have just stayed and done my stupid paperwork, I knew it was only me and Morgan that had any left, if I hadn't of distracted Morgan, we could have all been gone and I wouldn't be dealing with this right now.

I opened my eyes and sighed looking at Morgan. "Derek let him take me okay? I'll be okay..."

Morgan shook his head. "I can't let you do this!"

"Morgan if I don't we're all dead anyway, just look after Jayje for me okay?"

My brother started walking backwards with me, before shouting back to Morgan. "IF ANYONE TRIES TO STOP US OR FOLLOW US I KILL HER!"

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