Part 3

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M/B/N = Your Brothers Name

Me and my brother got out of the building with no problems, which I was glad about, I was certain JJ would try and find a way out to stop me.

I was now in the car with him, I had no idea where I was going, until I recognised the old cabin we used to go to when we were kids.

My brother got out of the car, before he came round to my side I got my phone out and sent a quick text to Hotch, telling him to listen and not to speak, I then quickly rang his number, putting it on loud speaker and shoving it back in my pocket. My brother then came round to my side of the car, opening the door and yanking me out of the car.

I steadied myself as he pushed me up the steps and into the house. I turned to him. "Okay, what are we doing here?"

My brother sat down in a chair, messing with the gun. "It's all your fault you know?"

I frowned. "What's my fault?"

My brother laughed. "What you don't know?"

I shook my head.

"Mom killed herself a few months ago."

I gasped and fell into a chair. "Why?"

My brother got angry and started shouting. "BECAUSE OF YOU! IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT! I HATE YOU!"

I rolled my eyes. "WANNA STOP BLOODY SHOUTING?!"

My brother grinned but calmed down slightly. "Okay, this is how it's gonna go, I'm gonna kill you and you're not gonna put up a fight."

I huffed, I felt a little braver knowing the team was listening to everything that was going on. "And why would I do that?"

My brother smiled at me. "Because if you don't I'll kill that girlfriend of yours and everyone else you love."

I sighed. "Promise me M/b/n."

"Promise you what?"

I rolled my eyes and sighed. "If I let you kill me, without me putting up a fight, I need you to promise me you wont go after my team...please?"

My brother tilted his head in thought. "Okay, what about let me kill you without putting up a fight, I'll surrender and hand myself in."

I nodded. "Fine, but on one condition."

My brother rolled his eyes. "What?"

"Let me say goodbye to them..."

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