Part 9

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M/l/n = My last name

M/d/n = My dads name

It had been a few months since I made up with Reid and JJ on the jet and things were finally back to normal, Reid had forgiven me and Emily and everyone was happy again.

We were all doing paperwork, this time I decided to actually get on with the work, I didn't want a repeat of what happened last time...

I was nearly done with the paperwork when my phone started to ring. I looked down at it to see that it was an unknown number. I frowned but answered it anyway.

Phone call in bold.

Me: Agent M/l/n

Dad: Hey sweetie, its been awhile.

Me: What do you want?

Dad: Are you alone?

Me: No

Dad: I'm going to ask you questions and answer with yes or no, do you understand?

Me: Yes.

Dad: Good, can you get away from your team?

Me: I don't know...

Dad: If you don't I'll kill your girlfriend. Can you get away from them now?

Me: Yes...

Dad: Good, once were off the phone, you're going to go to your boss and tell him your not feeling well. Once you've done that your going to follow the co ordinates I'm going to send you and your going to meet me. Understand?

Me: Yes...

Dad: Good see you soon.

Phone call ended.

I looked around, nobody seemed to notice anything. I got up from my desk and let out a shaky breath. I made my way to Hotch's office. I knocked and waited until I heard him call "Come in."

I walked in and shut the door behind me. Aaron looked at me with concern. "Is everything okay Y/n?"

I shook my head. "No, sorry sir, I'm really not feeling very it okay if I go home?"

"Of course...get well soon Y/n."

I got up and nodded. "Thank you sir."

I made my way to the lift but stopped when I realised JJ had driven us both to work that morning. I looked back into the bullpen and saw JJ wasn't at her desk.

I quickly made my way to her desk and grabbed the keys, leaving her a note. I looked down at my phone when I heard a text message. I opened it to see it was co ordinates from an unknown number... dad...

I looked up when I felt someone gently grab my wrist. I turned to see JJ frowning.

"Everything okay babe?"

I smiled. "Yeah sorry hun, I'm just not feeling well, so Hotch is letting me go home. I needed the keys, you wasn't at your desk so I was just leaving you a note."

JJ pulled me into her arms and pulled me into a hug, I sank into her embrace. JJ made me feel safe. "Want me to come home with you?"

I pulled back and kissed JJ. "No, that's okay, I'm just gonna go home and sleep, you finish up what you have to do here."

JJ nodded. "Okay, I'll see if Emily will give me a lift."

I nodded, turning and walking towards the lift, on impulse I turned back and ran to JJ pulling her into a deep kiss, JJ groaned into the kiss, our tongues duelled with the other. I could get completely lost in JJ. I reluctantly pulled away and walked to the lift.

Once I was at the car, I put in the co ordinates and drove to the location dad wanted to meet at.

God I better make it out of this alive...or JJ will kill me...

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