Part 6

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I groaned as I finally woke up.

"Ah good you're awake, I found your phone...there was a voice message, lets listen to it."

Voice message in bold.

You froze when you heard JJ's voice over the phone.

Hey it's me, Hotch asked me to try all your numbers and I have this as an old listing and you probably don't even use it anymore but, if it is you and if you're out there...come home...please...God Y/n what did you think? that we would just let you walk out of our lives? Out of my life? I am so furious at you right now! Then I think about how scared you must be, hiding in some dark place all alone...but you're not alone, okay? You are not alone, we are in that dark place with you, we are waving flash lights and calling your name, so if you can see us come home, but if you can't then...then you stay alive...cause were coming...I love you...

End of voice message.

By the end of the voice message I was crying. My dad looked over at me and laughed. "Awww how cute, was that the girlfriend?"

"What do you want with me?"

"It's your fault your brothers in prison you know, you're gonna pay."

My dad had restrained me while I was unconscious. He wanted to make me suffer so he untied me and pulled me to my feet.

"You are going to help me get him out of prison!"

"The fuck I am dickhead!"

My dad punched me in the gut, knocking the air out of me and sending me crashing to the floor. My dad picked me up by my hair and shoved me into a wall.

Aaron's POV

It was time to debrief everybody on what was going to happen, I was standing up front with the team.

"Agent Y/l/n is the only friendly in the building, rescuing her is our primary objective."

Emily stood forward. "Our only advantage here is stealth, once they know we're on site, there's nothing stopping them from killing her, so we keep it quiet until we get to her."

Your POV

My dad had me shoved against the wall, face pressed against it, my dad bent to grab his gun and I took my chance, elbowing him in the stomach, knocking him off guard momentarily. My hands were still tied, so I put my arms around his neck and tried to choke him.

"I beat you dad, I beat you, because I made a life for myself after what you did to me, I gave myself my life back."

"I'll end you."

I shook my head. "No you won't, ever since you lured me out here, I have been stalling you."

Aaron's POV.

It was time the power needed to be cut NOW!

"Cut the power."

The entire warehouse was flooded in darkness, this was our chance to safe our agent.

Your POV.

Me and my dad both looked up as the lights went out. My dad struggled against me, sending us both stumbling backwards. I fell against the table, breaking it.

I rolled onto my side and grabbed the table leg, smacking my dad around the face with it repeatedly. I chucked it to the side.

I didn't notice my dad grab it until he was plunging it into my side. I groaned in pain, stumbling backwards.

"Where is he? Where's your brother? Y/n, tell me."

I fell in pain.

Emily's POV.

I ran into the room and stopped on the stairs. "I got her, I got her on the south side, I need a medic, Y/n."

Y/n was on the floor with a plank of wood sticking out of her.


"Hey, it's me, I'm right here, you're gonna be alright, stay with me honey...come on stay with me!"

"Let me go...."

"No! No I am not letting you go! I need you! JJ needs you! You can't leave her! HELP ME!"

I turned back to Y/n.

"Listen to me I know why you did all this, I know you was protecting all of us, I am so proud of you, you understand that? I am proud of you because you are my friend and you are my partner, No Y/n, come on stay with me! If you can hear me please just squeeze my hand. Yes, yes there you go, just keep squeezing."


We was all sitting in the waiting room at the hospital, waiting on news about Y/n. Reid was pacing back and forth with a coffee in his hand, everyone else was just sitting, staring into space. Emily was trying to get some news...I couldn't lose Y/n I love her...she has to be okay...

Emily finally came into the waiting room, it was obvious she had been crying. Emily shook her head and I couldn't stop the tears. "No...."

"She never made it off the table..."

Everyone sat and cried. Morgan put his arms around me and I cried into his shoulder. I clung to him.

Spencer's POV

I couldn't take this, I needed to leave. I got up and rushed to the door. I felt Emily grab my arm. "Spence..."

I stood back. "I didn't get a chance to say goodbye..."

"Come here..."

Emily pulled me into a hug and I couldn't stop myself from crying...Y/n was gone...

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