Part 5

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M/L/N = My last name


It had been a few weeks since everything with my brother had happened and things were starting to get back to normal...until the next case. Hotch wouldn't let me work this case because the victims were similar to me so Hotch didn't want me anywhere near the case.

I rolled my eyes but didn't argue, I was just happy I would be with Penelope, I enjoyed working with Penelope it was a lot of fun, that was until Hotch looked at Penelope and said "Garcia, we need you with us on this case."

I jumped up. "Wait what?! So Pen goes, and I stay? How the hell is that fair!"

Hotch looked at me and sighed. "Y/n we need her with us, Kevin will be staying here and helping from here so you can help Kevin."

I just sat there staring blankly at Hotch. I shook my head, got up and walked to the door, only stopping when I heard Hotch call to me. "Y/n, where are you going?"

"I'm going home Hotch, you don't want me on the case because I fit the unsubs victims and there is no way in hell I'm working with Kevin, he does my head in and his a slob, did you see the state on Penelope's office the last time he was in there? I ain't doing that shit, so I'm going home."

Hotch sighed but nodded, letting me go. It had been a few days and I hadn't heard anything from the team.

I was up late one night when I got a call from Emily.

Phone call in bold.

Me: Hey Em whats up?

Emily: Were on our way back...the unsub is in Quantico now...we need you to come in...

Me: Why? I thought Hotch didnt want me on the case?

Emily: I know, but we need you

Me: Okay Im on my way.

End of phone call.

When I arrived at the BAU I saw everyone already in the conference room. Everyone looked worriedly at me when I walked in. I looked around and then at the screen...a face I thought I would never see again was plastered on the dad....

"Guys...why's my dad on the screen...."

Hotch looked at me with sympathy. "His the unsub Y/n, but we can't find him."

"So what? You want me to draw him out?"

Hotch shook his head. "No, we want you to give us any information you have."

I slumped in the free chair next to Emily who put her arm around me to comfort me.

"His an ass...I came out to him at 15...he beat me and kicked me out...he used to beat me before that...he never liked me...but I haven't had any contact with him since I brother he loved."

I quickly jumped out your seat. "My brother!"

Rossi leant forward in his chair. "What about your brother?"

"Think about it, these murders started happening weeks after what went down between me and my brother...he must have found out...thats what set him off...that was his always hated me...but now that his precious son is in prison because of me..."

I looked at the team to see realisation spread across their faces. The team quickly started putting everything together, giving other agents in the building a run down of what was happening.

I was standing near the back when I got a call from an unknown number.

Phone call in bold.

You: Agent M/l/n

Your dad: Hey Y/n, been a while.

You: What the hell do you want?!

Your dad: I know where you are right now, and I know everything about your team. If you want to keep them safe, you'll sneak away and come to the location I give you, can you do that?

You: Yes...

Your dad: Good I'll see you soon.

Phone call ended.

I looked around at my team, knowing that this could possibly be the last time I ever saw them. None of them were focusing on me, so I quietly snuck away and went to the location my dad was waiting at.

Emily's POV

I looked around the room I couldnt see Y/n anywhere. I waited until Hotch dismissed the other agents before I went over to him.


Hotch glanced at me. "You okay Emily?"

I shook my head. "I can't find Y/n..."

Hotch looked around frowning. "Round everyone up, get them in the conference!"

Me and Hotch was standing at the front of the room when everyone sat around the table.

Morgan looked around. "Where's Y/n?"

I sighed. "That's why Hotch wanted you all here...she hasn't been seen since we briefed everybody..."

Penelope gasped.

I frowned. "Pen, what is it?"

"I just looked at Y/n's phone, she had a call...and then a text of a location..."

I groaned. "It must have been her dad...She went to protect us..."

Your POV.

I got to the location, it looked like an abandoned warehouse. I walked in, as I did the door slammed shut behind me, I jumped but carried on walking, as I got deeper into the warehouse, it got darker.

I jumped when I heard my dads voice. "I've missed you darling..."

I turned, when I did I was hit across the face and everything went dark.

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