Part 4

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M/B/N =Your brothers name

"Let me say goodbye to them..."

My brother sighed but nodded his head. "Fine you have 5 minutes."

My brother left the room, closing the door behind him, he didn't worry about locking it, he knew I wouldn't try to run.

I quickly pulled my phone out of my pocket and put it to my ear.

*Phone call in bold*

Me: Hotch, you still there?

Hotch: Yeah Y/n I'm still here.

Me: Listen, I'm ending this call and I'm gonna video call you.

*Phone call ended*

I quickly started the video call. It was answered almost immediately. I looked at my screen to see everyone staring back, clearly worried. Everyone started talking at once.

I put my hand up to silence them. "Guys, guys one at a time, I can't understand you when everyone's talking at the same time."

Hotch folded his arms and glared into the screen. "Y/n, what are you thinking?"

I rolled my eyes. "I'm thinking about protecting everyone I love, he wasn't joking when he said he would come after everybody, he'll do it, he wouldn't be able to kill all of you but he can sure as hell take some of you out and there's no way I'm gonna let him do that."

Hotch sighed. "So what? You want us to just let you die?"

I nodded. "If it means protecting all of you...then yes..."

JJ came into view, I could tell she had been crying and it made my heart hurt. "Babe...dont cry..."

JJ wiped at her eyes. "Please...don't do this...I can't lose you..."

I smiled. "You won't lose me...I'm not dying today."

Before JJ could say anything Emily jumped in. "What're you planning?"

I grinned. "M/b/n, was lying, I could always tell when he was lying, his right eye twitches, I know if he kills me, he'll try kill some of you before you take him out, like I just said, I want him to think I'm gonna back down."

My brother came storming into the room. "Okay! 5 minutes is up! Give me the phone."

I rolled my eyes. "Go screw yourself! That wasn't 5 minutes so piss off I'm talking."

My brother walked forwards and punched me in the face, sending me stumbling backwards. I heard the team shouting into the phone. "God, what the hell?!"

My brother smirked. "You said you wasn't gonna put up a fight."

I rolled my eyes. "Do you see me fighting back? Jackass. If I wanted to I could kick your ass! Just like when we were kids! You couldn't beat me then and you sure as hell can't beat me now!"

"You really are a bitch, you know that right?"

I rolled my eyes again. "And you're a really bad liar, you know that right?"

My brother frowned. "What the hell are you talking about?!"

I smirked. "You could never lie to me M/b/n, you was always terrible at it, your right eye twitches when you lie... idiot."

My brother growled and lunged at me, I put my phone down and braced myself. I groaned when my body slammed into the floor.

I heard JJ shouting over everyone.

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