Chapter 6: Festival

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(Fawn's POV)

(The festival has started)

          Koala and I hurriedly got ready, with her just smoothing out her hair and me fixing my hair and touching up my makeup. Most of the fishmen were still gone, so we took off towards the town square where we heard music and laughing. 

           "Fawn! Over here!" I turned to see Lucas jogging up to me. He was dressed nicely, his hair neat and a sweet smile on his face. I blushed a little and smiled back. 

         "Hi Lucas. Is everything going ok?" He nodded happily. 

         "Yep! We have a festival every year and you just so happened to come on the day we have it!" he explained, holding out his arm. I took it and he lead me around, my other hand holding Koala's hand. 

         "Why do you hold this festival?"

         "Anniversary of when the town was created." I nodded understanding. A couple minutes passed and I raised an eyebrow in surprise when I saw some of the Sun Pirates in the crowd. Lucas seemed to notice them too because I saw his eyes get a little bit bigger. 

         "Do you want to meet them?" I asked. He only nodded in response, so I walked over to the group, bringing the boy and Koala with me. Hachi was the first to notice my arrival.

         "Nyu! I didn't know you would be here, too, Fawn!" I giggled. 

         "Well, I was invited. I'm surprised you guys are here. Didn't think a festival full of humans would be something you were interested in." Kuroobi let out a small chuckle.

          "Everything here is free," he deadpanned before downing his large mug of sake making me sweatdrop. 

         "W-Well...ok...uh...T-This is Lucas. He's been showing me around today," I said. "Lucas, these are the Sun Pirates." They all gave him normal greetings, Arlong and Jinbe, unsurprisingly, said nothing. The three of us got water and were talking with each other for a little bit. I was about to ask Lucas if dancing was going to start soon, but my words were cut off when a high pitched squeal was heard behind me. Whipping my head around, my jaw dropped when I saw Layla, Lily, Arianna, and Rosie! (A/N: TOLD YA I WAS BRINGING THEM BACK!!) I stood up just in time for Layla to tackle me in a hug. 

         "What are you doing here?! We've missed you!" I giggled and hugged her back. Luckily, my shoulder had almost all the way healed so her hug didn't hurt as much as I thought it would.

         "Supply run. I should be asking you the same question!" 

        "Vacation for us," Arianna told me, walking up and giving me a sweet hug. Lily and Rosie followed in suit, hugging me at the same time. I only giggled again and hugged them back. 

         "Friends of yours, Fawn?" Lucas asked, sending a nice closed eye smile towards the four girls.

         "Yeah, Lucas, this is Layla, Lily, Arianna, and Rosie. I met them a little over a week ago. Girls, this is Lucas. He's a local here and has been showing me around." They all smiled at each other. 

         "Uh, hey, Fawn. You were going to ask me something," Lucas said.

         "Oh, yes! I was going to ask when the music was going to start." There was music going on right now, but not dancing music. "You did...say you wanted to dance with me," I finished with a blush. Lucas blushed as well. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a smirks creep on to Layla and Lily's faces. 

          "If you want music we can get something going," the ravenette offered. Rosie disappeared over to the musicians for a split second and came back...holding a violin? The music from before stopped and started again, and Rosie began a tune from her newly acquired violin. The other people in town began to clap along. It was what sounded like a Celtic song and after a couple of bars, I recognized it instantly. The "dance floor" was cleared and Layla, strutted out, the skirt of her green dress moving gracefully around her legs. 

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