AU Oneshot #1: Lovely Lovely Mermaids

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I'm gonna make the girls a little taller just cause they're merfolk and such, so I'll just say they're a foot taller than they are as humans from head to the end of their tails. Meaning: Human Scarlett = 6'0, Mermaid Scarlett = 7'0; Human Marina = 5'8, Mermaid Marina = 6'8. I'll probably make a chapter explaining a bit about the AU soon. Ok? Ok. On with the story!

(3rd Person POV)

          Hody, Zeo, Dosun, Daruma, and Ikaros were sitting together planning out what they were going to do the next time humans invaded the district. A few minutes later, Hody saw something moving, but before he could look up, a flash of pink and purple crashed right into him, sending him flying to the ground.

          "HODY!" The boy shook the dizziness out of his head and glared up at the figure on top of him.

          "What the hell are" he trailed off when he found himself gazing into the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen. The girl on top of him was a mermaid and looked to be his age. She had short-ish, curly, pastel pink hair in a ponytail with a white bow tied around it, big light purple eyes, and plush pink lips. She gave him an apologetic smile and got off his chest.

           "I am so sorry! There were some humans that started chasing me and I wasn't looking where I was going!"

           "SHE WENT THIS WAY!"

           "Crap! Aahh...what do I do?!" The other four had picked up on her dilemma and pointed to a barrel.

           "Hide behind that barrel!" Zeo told her. "Dosun! Go get Arlong!" He nodded and ran off quickly. The girl did as they suggested and hid. After a few more minutes, the humans finally caught up to their location and looked around. They glared at the fishmen, who acquired coral sticks, glaring back at the humans.

           "Where's the mermaid, brat?" the leader asked, his question directed at Hody.

           "Like we'd tell you, filthy human!" His stubbornness was clearly angering the man and stomped towards him.

           "You little-!" His words were cut off when he was smashed into the ground. Arlong smirked evilly down at him and Kuroobi, Hachi and Chew took care of the others. Once they were done, Arlong turned to Hody.

           "What was this about?" Hody pointed to the barrel and the mermaid poked her head over the top.

           "Are they gone?" she asked shakily, and Hody nodded. She breathed out a sigh of relief and swam over to the boy, hugging him. "Thank you." Hody blushed furiously and hesitantly put his arms around her lightly. When she pulled away, she nervously glanced at the taller fishmen. "Sorry for giving you trouble." Hachi smiled at her sympathetically.

           "Nyu, don't worry about it. We're used to this kind of stuff. How about we take you home? Where do you live?" She looked down in embarrassment.

           "Ano... actually I just kept swimming wherever my tail took me. I don't live here in the district, but I do live near the mermaid Cafe."

          "We know where that is. Let's go." They began to make their way to her location.

          "So what's your name, girly?" Chew asked. 

          "Lily. I'm 15. I live with my cousins and our friends."

          "What happened to your parents?"

          "I still have my parents, but they're not exactly...involved in my life. Same goes for my brother. I don't really like going into detail about it." They swam in silence until they reached the town. Lily produced a bubble to put around her tail and moved towards a house the men could only assume to be hers.

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