AU Oneshot #3: Jealousy

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(3rd Person POV)

         It had been five days since the Celestial Dragon was treated and healed and four days since Queen Otohime left with him to talk with the humans. Everyone was trying their best not to worry too much, but it was hard. People were even missing the constant speeches some of them loathed. Fawn claimed she was alright and that she knew the Queen was ok, but Jinbe caught her silently praying on the edge of the ocean to bring her back safely. Lily usually spent a good portion of her time at the palace, tending or spending time with Shirahoshi, but now she was there a lot more, soothing the young princess because she missed her mother so much. 

           Hody felt bad for Lily, seeing as she was also silently freaking out over the woman's well-being, but he was thinking more about the continuous gifts the girl was receiving. In the past four days, Lily had gotten multiple bouquets of flowers, several boxes of candy, and many pieces of jewelry. The cherry on top was that every single one of these gifts came with a note with a different compliment. He was livid. He wanted to find out who this person was, especially because Lily was getting flustered every time one flew into her hands. He almost broke his trident in half when he saw that one of the gifts was something he planned on giving to her eventually if they ever started going out. A Galaxy Rose. It was an artificial glass rose covered in a glass dome that lit up in a multitude of different colors depending on the setting. 

            Unknown to Hody, Lily was slowly falling for this mystery person. She wasn't in love, but the notes weren't just about her body, which was what some men she encountered only talked about. She also noticed that the flowers were different every time, and not just pink roses. She spoke about these feelings in length to her cousins and friends, who listened intently and gave her advice. Some different than others, but they gave her a choice about what to do. And it wasn't like she could seek this person out. Lily guessed that this person must have some sort of power because the objects were clearly flying when she got them. 

            Currently, all the girls were doing whatever they wanted because the Cafe was closed. Layla and Rosie were out to eat with friends, Arianna and Scarlett were having a private transponder snail talk with Kuroobi and Chew, Marina was doing the same with Macro, Fawn was cuddled closely against Jinbe's chest while sitting in his lap as they both sat on a cliff-side overlooking the ocean as they watched and listened to their surroundings in peaceful silence, and Lily was out in the town square with Hody, following him on his guard duties. They were chatting casually and it was honestly a nice distraction for the both of them...until small bouquet of light blue tulips fell into Lily's lap. Hody's eyes darkened at the sight. 

            "They're still coming, huh?" he asked through gritted teeth. She giggled with a small nod, a blush tinting her cheeks. 

            "I'm running out of vases," she joked. "I really do want to meet this mystery person, though. While the gifts are nice, I wish they would at least tell me who they are. Guess I might never find out." They were about to leave when a voice behind them stopped them. 

           "Wait!!!! Wait!!" A tall man, taller than Hody, ran up to the two. He had dark hair and four legs. Hody glared and pushed Lily behind him, pointing his trident at the man's face. 

           "What the hell do you want?" he spat. The new man looked at Lily, who was looking at him over Hody's shoulder. 

            "I'm the man, I suspect! I'm the man who's been sending you all those gifts and cards!" Her eyes widened and she slowly moved to swim in front of him. 

             "That' can you prove it?" He took out a box and opened it. Inside was a very nice necklace with a little heart on it.

             "I was going to give this to you later, but I can prove to you now! Look!" He threw the box in the opposite direction, but instead of falling and hitting the stone ground, it started flying around until Lily caught it. She gazed at the box before shifting her eyes up at the man. 

             "It is you," she whispered. He grinned and took her hand, kissing it. 

            "Vander Decken, my dear. I'm ecstatic to finally be able to talk to you in person. You're even more stunning up close" She blushed. He was cute,.....handsome. 

            "Lily Abilene," she said, still very shocked she met her mystery person so much quicker than she expected. Lily turned to Hody.

           "I'll, uh, see you later, ok?" She turned to Decken. "Is it alright if I tag along with you?" Decken laughed, holding out his arm, and her happily taking it. 

           "I was already planning on asking!" She gave the shark fishman one last wave before letting Decken lead her elsewhere. Hody felt like he had been punched a thousand times. This wasn't supposed to happen. He thought that if he kept her mind off things for just a little while then he could properly ask her out...but no. That damn Flying Dutchman Captain had to ruin everything! He stormed back to the palace, angrily glaring at the floor as he stood next to other guards near Neptune's throne. About an hour and a half later, Shirahoshi started crying and wouldn't stop, so Fukaboshi had to call Lily. She arrived and calmed the young girl down in a gentle manner, smiling the whole time and telling her about all the great things her mother was probably doing. Shirahoshi fell asleep, so after doing a couple quick tests, Lily reported that she was alright and went to leave...Hody as her escort outside. 

            "So how was your...outing?" he asked her lowly, almost gagging at the thought of using the word 'date'. The mermaid giggled as they reached the front entrance to the palace. 

            "It's not exactly over," she told him and Hody felt like tearing everything near him apart when he saw Decken, standing at a respectable distance away from the palace, waiting for the girl to return. She swam off to meet him, both of them smiling as they returned to wherever they were before the call. Hody shook in anger, making the other guards who were nearby take a few steps away for safety. 

             At the end of the day, Hody stormed out of the palace and was making his way back to the Fishman District when his red eyes landed on Vander Decken taking Lily home for the day. Both were blushing and Lily was giggling over something he said. Hody growled and turned on his heel to take a different route home. When he got back, Zeo was the first one who noticed his angry face. He usually looked pissed off, but this time, Hody looked 10 times more pissed off than usual. 

           "Oi, Hody. What's wrong?"

          "Leave me alone."


          "Shut up!!!" Dosun put a hand to his chin. 

          "Oh yeah. I think I saw her with Vander Decken with her today."

          "I said SHUT UP!!" 

          "Kya kya!" Daruma laughed. "Jealous, Hody?" Hody sat down and clenched his fists in his lap, glaring with murderous intent. 

           "Jealous doesn't even BEGIN to describe it," he muttered, pulling a picture of Lily out from his pocket. "She's going to be mine someday...whether she likes it or not."

Hey loves! Sorry this took a little longer to publish and sorry it's a bit shorter than my other chapters. I was finishing up finals and kinda ran out of ideas for this one chapter DX

But it's published now! I hope you enjoyed it! It means a lot that you're reading it :D

Requests for this book are still open and even if it's not a request, I would really really appreciate some simple ideas for chapters in the future!

For those of you who didn't know, I recently started a new oneshots book for One Piece ships! Requests are open there, too! I highly recommend that if you do decide to read it, you take a look at my very first info chapter :) Go check it out if you're interested! :D

Thanks so much for reading!!! <3

Love ya!


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