clingy- cameron monaghan

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i woke up to my boyfriend cameron tapping my shoulders with his soft fingertips

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i woke up to my boyfriend cameron tapping my shoulders with his soft fingertips.

i know he didn't mean to wake me, so I keep my eyes closed so he doesn't think he did so.

his fingers continue to trace lines around my shoulders as i breathe slight breaths.

after a few more minutes of cameron doing what he was he whispered, "i didn't mean to wake you y/n."

i turn around in order to face him.

"it's okay, i needed to get up anyway." i say caressing his cheek with my thumb.

he leaned in to place a kiss on my lips, but i stopped him by putting my middle, and index fingers in front of my lips.

"we both have morning breath cam, i don't think that would be a good idea." i laughed.

he chuckled alongside me.

"what do you want to do today?"

there was a moment of silence.

"i wanna stay home and cuddle all day." he responded shutting his beautiful green eyes.

"you sure? it's a beautiful day outside today."

"positive." he said his eyes remained closed.

cameron was the clingy type of boyfriend. but not in a negative way to me at least.

some people would get rather angry if their partner was dependent on them, as cameron is to me.

but i love him to the moon and back, so i'm okay with him being this way.

he's emotionally dependent on me for love and care.

that's all he really wants is to be loved and cared for. and i'm happy that i get to fulfill that role for him.

"what do you want to eat babe?" i asked breaking the silence.

"i'm not that hungry."

"Cam, you need to eat breakfast." i said in a low tone voice.

"can i just eat cereal?" he asked squinting his eyes.

"no pancakes?" i asked raising an eyebrow.

"no, i'm not in the mood for it."

"alrighty well, you go brush your teeth while i make some cereal."

"thank you y/n. can i please get a kiss though?" he asked poking out his bottom lip.

i rolled my eyes in annoyance and quickly pecked his lips before hopping out of our shared bed.

"wait!" he yelled.

"yes, cameron?"

"you missed a spot!" he said pointing to his cheek.

oh my goodness, he might look big and tough. but he's truly just a little kid at heart.

i quickly trotted over to the bed giving him a cheek kiss.

"wait you missed another one!" he said before i walked off.

i kissed his forehead which is where he was pointing.

"you missed." he said smirking.

by the time he was done playing this little game with me, i had kissed the kid's whole face.

"okay let me go make you some breakfast now please!" i rolled my eyes.

"okay." he smiles a cheeky smile.

i went into the kitchen and started preparing the bowl of cereal for cameron.

it is odd that he didn't want pancakes just like he usually does, but whatever makes him happy.

i poured the cheerios into the glass bowl.

i saw a shadow appear through the doorway, and of course, it was cameron.

"here's your food." i told him before he passed to sit down.

"thank you!" he said then coming up behind me to kiss the side of my neck.

"you're welcome!" i said grabbing my own bowl and walking to the table.

once i sat down cameron passed me a piece of notebook paper folded up in a square.

"just read it." he said slightly smiling.

i opened it up and noticed the familiar handwriting of cameron's that i'm in love with.

the note read...

to y/n,

i don't really know how to word this, but thank you.

thank you for always being there for me when i need it most. you're my best friend, my lover, my world. i know i might not be the best at expressing it, but i love you so much baby. i love everything about you. all the things you think are flaws, i find perfect! and once again thank you. for being like a companion to me. thank you for always taking care of me and making me pancakes every morning, giving me those morning kisses, letting me talk to you about anything. i appreciate that so much, and it means the most to me. i love you endlessly y/n. never ever forget that.

-love, cam <3

the note was simple but meant so much in that moment.

"i love you even more cameron." i said starting to tear up.

"impossible." he smiled across the table.
Hey guys this is my first time writing a story/book so if it's a bit crappy I'm sorry lol, but I hope you all enjoy!<3

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