miscarriage - cameron monaghan

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⚠️TW: mentions of miscarriages & pregnancies⚠️

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⚠️TW: mentions of miscarriages & pregnancies⚠️


You grab Cameron's hand as the nurse tries to find your baby and give it a small squeeze. The cold gel is causing you to get chills, but the excitement quickly takes your mind off of it.

You're 10 weeks pregnant and you're at your monthly check-up.

You look at the small ultrasound screen and can't seem to see anything. You don't think anything of it, since the baby was so little and hard to see, that maybe you're just missing it.

She clears her throat before speaking. "Uh, the doctor will be with you shortly." The nurse cleans the gel off of your stomach in one swift motion before exiting the room. You pull your shirt down and there's a knock on the wooden door.

It opens and the doctor walks in.

"Mr. and Mrs. Monaghan?" "Yes," Cam says while extending his hand. I do the same and he shakes our hands. He lifts his white coat up before taking a seat on the small stool.

"I'm very sorry to say this, but it seems you've had a miscarriage... This is very common in the first few months of pregnancy and there isn't anything to really do about it but keep trying, We will have to remove the miscarried fetus to avoid any more complications. We'll schedule you in for the operation tomorrow at 12:30 pm. Again, I'm terribly sorry and wish the best for the two of you."

"Thank you," you both mutter and he leaves the room. Tears brim your eyes as you grab your husband's hand and squeeze it. You sit up and get off of the table, with the help of Cameron. Your knees start to feel weak and you lean against Cameron for support.

You leave the room and walk down the long, narrow, hallway to exit the doctor's office.

The whole car ride home is silent and you look over at Cam as he focuses on the road. A few tears roll down his cheeks which makes you cry even more.

When you arrive home, you crawl into bed and Cameron comes and lays down next to you.

He wraps his muscular arms around you and you can't hold it in any longer. You start to sob and his grip tightens as your body shakes.

Why did this have to happen to you?

You turn to face Cam and he kisses you passionately on the lips. "Shhh, It's ok, babe. We can always try again." You nod and cuddle closer to him as he strokes your hair.

The two of you lay there for hours talking and comforting each other.



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