broken (part 2) - ian gallagher

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what a fucking mess.

I look at my room and there is food on my desk, random dirty clothes on the floor and there's this really bad smell which I don't know what it is.

time to clean up my room. I open the windows for fresh air, I throw all the food away, and make my bed.

when I pick up all the dirty clothes off the floor so I can put them away, I realize these sweaters aren't even mine.

they're ian's, hell maybe even lip's since they share clothes.

I forgot I threw some of his sweaters out that I had in my closet because I was mad at him a week ago. I still am though.

how bad I hate him, I'll bring all of these back to him.

as I put the four sweaters in a little bag, I leave the house and walk to him.

he doesn't live that far away and it's a sunny day so.

do I really want to bring his sweaters back or do I just want to see him again?


I press the doorbell but no one opens. I press it again, still, no one opens the door. never mind then.

as I'm walking away, I hear the door opening. I turn around and see ian standing with messy hair and soft pink lipstick kisses in his neck. It looks like he's catching his breath.

'y/n? what..-what are you doing here?' he asks, fake smiling.

I wanna jump on him, I miss him so much... but no. I promised myself I won't fall in love again with this asshole. he changed, broke my heart, and didn't even felt guilty for cheating on me.

'I'm...- I'm here to bring your sweaters back, i still had some.' I answer and hold the little bag with his sweaters in front of him.

y/n... you can keep those.' he says, with that I feel my tears coming up.

'nope, these are yours and it won't be fair if I kept them. so here... here they are.' I say, trying not to look into his eyes while I give the bag to him.

'y/n please, can we talk for a second?'

'please y/n..' he begs.

but why does he wants to talk?

we broke up more than a month ago, so what does he still have to say?

'okay..' I answer, still looking down trying not to make eye contact.

Ian's pov

I step aside so she can walk into the house. I'm not gonna talk with her at the front door.

as long as my girlfriend stays upstairs this will be fine. we walk to the living room and she turns around to face me again.

'so? what is it?' she asks looking straight into my eyes with no emotions. to be honest, I don't even know what I wanted to say, I just wanted to see my ex-girlfriend again, I guess. I know she's been doing really bad since last month... because of me. because of our relationship that I ruined.

'I...- I just..., I just wanted to ask you how you're doingggg?' I ask smiling. I know, this smile is fake...but I try to act like there's nothing wrong.


'seriously ian? you wanted me to go inside just so you can ask me how the fuck I am doing?' she says furrowing her eyebrows. oh fuck. this is going totally wrong.

when she's about to walk away I grab her arm immediately.

'no... no I'm sorry. that was not it.' I say. 'I still wanted to apologize for what happened. I know it was already longer than a month ago but every time I see you at school..and I really suck at this and I'm sorry how everything turned out, like our relationship. I'm sorry y/n.'

after I said this, I see her tears coming up in her eyes. ugh shit, seeing her crying is my weakness.

I can't look at her when she's crying, I just can't...that's heartbreaking man.

'Ian...- please, can I go now?' she says while a teardrop falls down of her cheek. she tries to get away but I grip her arm a bit harder.

'y/n please...- everything went wrong. I know I'm the one who ruined our relationship but please forgive me. I...- I still care. please y/n.' I beg her.

'ian If you really cared about me, you never cheated! but you broke me. I wanna leave now!' she yells trying to get away.

ur pov

I'm crying my eyes out here.

I try my best to get away since he grabbed my arm but of course, Ian is stronger.

'I'm sorry, I just- I...' he says but not continues his sentence.

'you what ian ?! I don't care anymore. let me go please!' I say crying.


'I don't give a shit about that anymore Ian! IT'S THE PAST, IT ALREADY HAPPENED!' with that, he let my arm loose. I stand still. He looks at me with tears, and I look at him with tears.

'there's nothing to fix. Don't apologize.' I whisper while another teardrop falls down my cheek.

I leave the gallagher house immediately without looking at him once again.

fucking hell.

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