baby??- cameron monaghan

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It was late

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It was late.

Too late to be conscious, too late for any sane person to be awake, yet lying next to an adrenaline-fueled Cameron acted as a catalyst for your own woken nature.

He was fresh from a day on set and, even though he had showered, changed into his sweat pants and brushed his teeth, even though it was 3:26 am - he was awake, babbling as he always did.

He had his hand in yours and he was playing with your fingers - running them through his absurdly large ones - and his head was on the cotton pillow next to you, his fluffy ginger hair a halo above his head.

His green eyes were lined with wonder and they stared off into the hotel room before falling down to yours, a soft smile blushing across his rose-tinted face.

"I'm sorry, I'm babbling" he spoke, sensing your drowsiness, but instead of brushing it off and telling him you were going to sleep, you shook your head.

"No, it's ok" you whispered, a smile forming on your own lips. "I'm listening, go on" you prompted, and he did. He went on, talking about the day on set he had that you couldn't go to, talking about all his the fans, his crew - talking until his own voice began to waver.

He was on the topic of marriage you thought, you didn't know, you were falling, your heavy lids acting as weights and you started to drift, but then he asked a question.

"Hm?" You whispered. You pulled your eyes open. "You hear me?" He asked, dropping your fingers. He sat up and rested on his elbow, his questioning green eyes dancing across your loose features. "Mm'yeah"

"What I say?"

"You said..." you trailed. What did he say? You pushed your lips out deep in thought and Cameron, sensing you were answerless, laughed. He chuckled, reaching his hand out to brush your hair away from your forehead and you looked up at him, guilt settling in your heart.

"I'm sorryyyy" you whined. You pushed your face into the pillow, groaning before pulling back and sitting up while rubbing your eyes. You rested your head on the backboard to wake yourself up "You can sleep, babe"

"Nope, I'm awake, I'm listening. I wanna hear everything" you stated and you took his hand, raising it up to your lips before kissing it softly. A slow smile hitched up upon his lips "Sure?"

"Sure" you nodded and he grinned, not a flicker of sleep in his bright green eyes.

"So, Jack and Mary are getting married-"

"Oo, I like the name Jack for a baby boy" you commented, wiggling your brows and Cameron raised his own "Yeah?"

"Yeah-" you nodded "-ever since I watched Titanic"

"You want to name our future kid after a character from Titanic?" Cam asked, and as the words left his mouth you choked on your spit, widening your eyes slightly. Our kid? You thought. Whoa, whoa hold the phone, our kid?

Cameron seemed to sense your inner commotion because he suddenly turned bright red. The cogs began to whirl in his mind, had he really just said that out loud?

"Shit" he whispered, widening his own eyes. "I just said that out loud didn't I?"

You nodded, feeling a warmth begin to spread throughout your stomach. You had never spoken about having kids together, you loved Cameron, sure, but kids? You didn't even know if you wanted kids. He dropped his head into the pillow and groaned loudly.

"Hey-" you started, licking your lips. "-hey babe it's fine"

"No it's not, it's weird" his muffled voice came, his tone high pitch and angry. He was frustrated at himself.

"No it's..." you trailed, reaching over to rub his bareback. "-yeah it's weird" you concluded with a nod. "-but it's fine. Hey, Cameron, look at me"

His head stayed stuck in the pillow. "Nope" he spoke, shaking his head. "Look at meeee" you whined, beginning to shake his body and the bed moved with his weight. You pulled the duvet off of you and crawled next to him, resting your head next to his. "Look at me Cam"


"Look at me"


You rolled your eyes. Tapping your lips a small smile began to find your face and you moved real close to his ear, saying: "Hopefully our kids won't inherit your stubborn gene"

The silence in the room began to thin. After a beat, Cameron's head began to slowly rise from the pillow and he turned to you, his hair somehow messier than before.

A small grin began to seep onto his red face "Because that would be a bummer" you finished. The smile on his face could not be mistaken for happiness. The red began to fade from his creamy skin and he bit down on his lip, looking up at you adoringly.

The prospect of having kids with Cam was something you had thought about, but you had never spoken to anybody about it. You were still young - wanted to experience the world before settling down.

Yet you couldn't deny the warmth that blossomed in your stomach when the image of Cameron cradling your child adoringly flashed in your mind.

"You gotta marry me first" you grinned and he laughed, nodding his head violently before leaning up and placing a delicate kiss on your awaiting lips. He pulled back gently and your lips brushed against each other like long-lost innocent lovers.

His green eyes flicked up to yours and they were swimming in love, lust, and longing. "Maybe one day" he whispered and you nodded, smiling softly "Maybe one day" you breathed.

He kissed you again and you lost all feelings in your toes. Then you grinned against his swollen pink lips, giggling at his previous embarrassment.

"Sorry if I scared you" he spoke, his hot breath fanning over your skin. You shook your head slowly "Don't worry, it just surprised me is all, now kiss me before I begin to fall asleep again"

i love that damn ginger so much...

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