Chapter 3

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After a very anxious night of rest of all parties, except Hyewon, the three got up to get ready for the idol's practice that day.

"Thank you for letting me borrow some extra supplies." Y/N spoke out to Eunbi. 

"No problem." 

Hm, I don't know if she's warming up to me, or...

"Oh, can we also stop by my house so I can pick up my stuff?" Y/N asked.

"Sure, what's the address?" Eunbi responded.


"Alright, here's the plan Y/N," Eunbi said after exiting the car, "I'm going to introduce you to the other members as we woke up late, so none of them got to see you. Then we're going to practice, and while we do, you're going to sit at the front of the studio. Once we finish practicing, we're going to head over to your place, pick up your stuff, head back home, and figure out what to do with you two." 

"Okay." Y/N responded. 

The trio headed through the building and entered the practice room garnering the attention of the other members present.

"Unnie who is that?" Wonyoung asked.

"This is L/N Y/N. He will be around us for a bit." Eunbi responded.

"That's random, why is he here?" Yujin inquired.

"Eunbi unnie said he will be around us for a bit, so lets not question it." Chaewon interjected

Is that the red string unnie was talking about? I assume it is.

"He's going to sit in the room with us for today." Eunbi continued, "He will also be staying in my room with Hyewon and I. I already talked to Hitomi about this."

"So this is the guy you were talking about." Nako whispered.

"Yeah, I don't know what it is, but I'm sensing something bad right now."

"Really? What's it like?" Nako asked, excited at the thought of something new happening.

"I can't explain it. If I were to try, I'd say it's like the color green." Hitomi responded.

"Green? What's that supposed to mean?"

"Don't ask me."

"But you're the one who said it..." Nako pouted. While that conversation was going on, Minju was watching them.

Hitomi's intuition is always accurate, and since she's saying that now that Y/N's here, it has to be revolved around him.

"Eunbi unnie, what's going to change then, now that Y/N-ssi is here." Minju asked, tilting her head.

"Nothing should change, other than things that would be easy to think of if you used your brain."

"Ouch." Minju said under her breath, 

Why is she being so mean right now?

Eunbi clapped her hands, "Alright, lets get going now. We may just need to clean up some parts, but that's no reason to slack off."

"Ne." Everyone said in unison. 

"I better not catch you staring at any of the girls inappropriately." Eunbi said quietly

"Yes ma'am."

I see she's uneasy about this situation too.

Hitomi shrugged that thought off as she felt that it was a thought for when she's relaxing instead. The girls started practice, as Y/N watched respectfully.

Wow, Hyewon really is a beauty. I always see her through a screen, but I didn't expect her to glow in person. And then there's Chaewon. The way she dances is as if there was a magnet drawing my eyes to her. Arghh I can't keep ogling at them I need to do something myself or else Eunbi might yell at me.

As Y/N pulled out his phone, he got a notification.


Where are you? Your shift started 30 minutes ago.


Oh, about that... I won't be able to clock in today. Or anytime in the foreseeable future.




I can't really find a way to explain, but I will deliver my letter of resignation soon.

Y/N put his phone down and sighed.

Aw man, that was a good job too... Oh well, it's not like I had any friends there anyway. Nor do I have friends in general... I guess that just makes this situation a little easier to deal with as no one will really go asking around where I am. That's sad.

Y/N looked up and saw Hyewon walking towards him.

"Lets go get some food, I'm hungry." 

"Are you done with practice?" 

"No, but I can take a break since the others are going over a different part."

"Oh, alright."

Y/N and Hyewon walked to the nearest vending machine and punched in the numbers required for the item they wanted.

"If you're hungry, why don't we get some real food?" Y/N asked.

"Eunbi unnie said we can't leave the building, as that might spark some rumors."

"Ah, right."

Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! You're looking like a fool in front of her Y/N!

"Let's go sit down, my legs hurt."

"Oh, okay."

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