Chapter 56

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"What happened between you two?"

Y/N stood there frozen in time.

Is this really happening? Am I finally able to clear things up between us?

Hyewon waved her hand, "Hello?"

"O-Oh, uhh..."

Y/N pat the space next to him on the bed, "Come sit."

Hyewon walked over and sat next to the former.

"The truth is, I asked Wonyoung ah to teach me something so that your experience as my partner would be better in the event we did it ourselves."

"And what was that thing?"

"I asked her to teach me how to hold you."

"Are you talking about that thing that those two do where they stand there in a dimly lit room and look at each other?"


"I see."

"Before we did it, Wonyoung ah asked Ji Hoon if it was okay for them to do it and she got the green light. Since I wanted it to be a surprise, I didn't let you know about it so you thought that I was a natural..."

Hyewon fought the urge to smile.

That's cute...

"I don't think you should listen to romance tips from those two. They're not even dating. It's just a huge one sided relationship there."

"That's true, but I thought that maybe trying it wouldn't be that bad."

"We're never doing that. It's weird."


Y/N clenched his fist, "How have you been for the past week?"



"Not only did I think my boyfriend was cheating on me with one of my group members, but I was also rejected and scarred by the only person who I thought could help me. For that entire week I was surrounded by people, but felt alone."

"I'm sorry..."

Hyewon looked at the ceiling and sighed.

Y/N sat there in silence, "Are you still mad at me?"


"I see... Were you able to cope with the loneliness at all in the past week?"

"Yeah, with the help of Ji Hoon ah."

I see...

"Even though that incident scarred me, he returned back the usual self that I love so I was able to feel safe around him."

That's what he meant by she was dependent on him

"Did you talk to him at all?"

"Yeah, we caught up on the things he missed and had good laughs. Thankfully with him around I was able to feel happiness again. And when he was tending to Wonyoung ah, he let me stay in the room with him so I could enjoy his presence."

Remember Y/N... There is no rivalry between you two. She adores him just like all of the other members. Her feelings towards him are purely friendly and or familial. There are no romantic feelings there.

"I don't know what I'd do without him. You should thank him. If it weren't for him, I don't know how long we would have gone without talking. He just might have saved this relationship."

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