Chapter 41

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Hyewon walked into the shared room expecting the two to be on their phones. But instead, she found the two still chatting.


Hyewon laid down on her bed and closed her eyes, but she couldn't sleep.

"Ya, I can't sleep with you guys talking so loudly."

"Oh, sorry Hyewon ah."

Y/N moved over to Chaewon's bed in attempt to make communication easier while lowering their volume. However despite trying to help his lover, Hyewon's mood plummeted seeing the two so close in proximity.


Hyewon slowly drifted off to sleep while her partner conversed with her roommate. Not too long after she fell asleep, Hyewon woke up to find the two still talking.

"You two are still awake?" Hyewon asked, her speech slow from the drowsiness.

"Yeah, what time is it?"

"Twelve." Chaewon responded.

"Really?!" Y/N looked over to Hyewon, "Do we have anything planned tomorrow?"


"Oh, then I guess we should head off to bed."

"Okay, good night Oppa."

"Good night."

Y/N hopped into bed with Hyewon but was surprised to find that she didn't cling to him.

Is she mad at me again?

Chaewon looked over to the couple and observed the perplexed face of Y/N.

"I think she's just fast asleep."

Y/N looked up at Chaewon, "Huh?"

"You looked like you were thinking, 'Is she mad at me?' but she just looks like she's knocked out."

"I see. Thank you."


The next day, Hyewon woke up to find both Chaewon and Y/N asleep. 

Hitomi poked her head into the room, "Unnie you should wake those two up soon. We're leaving in half an hour."

"Yeah, I will."

Hyewon went to get ready in order to let the two sleep more. When she came back, Chaewon had waken up and was getting out of bed.

"Did you sleep well?"

"I did. Are you going to wake Y/N oppa up?"

"Yeah, we're leaving in eighteen minutes."

"Eighteen?! Why didn't you wake us up earlier?"

"Because you guys were up really late last night. Plus, you guys can just eat at the one of the cafes near the building or even the food court inside the building."


Hyewon walked over to Y/N who was sleeping peacefully.

"Y/N 아~ 이런아~" (Y/N ahh~ Wake up~)


"We're leaving in seventeen minutes."

"Where to?"

"To practice."

"I didn't know we were going out today..."

"Ya I told you last night that we had plans today."

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