Chapter 95

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The female Ji Hoon stood in front of the mirror as a seventeen year old in Wonyoung's room alongside multiple piles of clothes and members.

Ji Hoon looked at the piles of clothes beside her, "You know, we didn't need to buy out multiple shops..."

"But you have tons of money right?" Wonyoung asked, "I'm sure it's fine."

"I'm more worried for the other customers..."

"That doesn't matter. The shop owners are ecstatic though."

"I don't know about that one..."

"Whatever, just try on the clothes."


A knock could be heard faintly at the door.

"Who is it?" Wonyoung shouted.


"Is anyone else with you?"

"No. The guys are in their rooms and Hyewon unnie is with Y/N oppa."

"Okay, come in."

Chaewon walked into the room to see Wonyoung, Eunbi and Hitomi standing behind the female Ji Hoon.

Ji Hoon snapped her head towards the ceiling and blinked.

Well, I'm glad I can sense you guys again... I guess... How do you feel about Chaewon unnie's recent developments? I was gone for two days and she loses it. I personally don't care cause it's not me, but I guess I might have to step in eventually if things get too out of hand.


Ji Hoon looked at the maknae, "What's up?"

"You were just looking at the ceiling."

"Oh, I was just thinking."

"I see."

"Yeah I just realized, we should probably change my name to avoid confusion."



"What are we going to call you then?"

"I don't know, there are lots of names."

"How about Jisoo?"

"Here. Wonyoung ah, hand me your phone."

Wonyoung took her phone out of her back pocket, "Okay..."

Ji Hoon pulled up a random name generator and set it to Korean.

"Looks like my name will be JiU."

"That's not too far from your former name."

"Well, it's what the random name generator chose."

JiU handed Wonyoung her phone back and nodded.

That's better.

"Alright, what are you making me put on first?"

"How about this top and this skirt?"

"Have her put this over her top as well!" Chaewon added.

"Good idea Unnie."

JiU put the clothes on and twirled around.

"How do you like it?" Hitomi asked.

"A white t-shirt with a soft black jacket and a white skirt. It's nice and breathable, but I feel like it hugs my body."

"That's the point of it."

Wonyoung walked "I don't want you wearing primarily baggy clothes again Oppa."

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