Chapter 30

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Eunbi returned home to see the house empty. Checking every room, she finally got to Hyewon and Minju's shared room to see the couple asleep.

Those two are sleeping around noon? They were awake just a few hours ago...

"Ya where are the others?"

"I don't know, this place has been empty for a while" Y/N said sleepily.

I guess they went to the other dorm.

Eunbi set her things down and went to shower. Right before she undressed, it clicked in her head.

Wait a fucking second. It was abnormally hot in that room.

Eunbi stormed to the sex room, "YA! WAKE UP."

Y/N and Hyewon sat up, "Hm?"

"What were you two doing? Huh? Were you fucking?"


"Aish that's why they left. Did you two wear protection?"



Hyewon spoke up, "Relax Unnie, I'm on a pill."

"Can we go back to sleep now?"


The two laid back down, but Y/N couldn't manage to go back to sleep.

What time is it? Two? We should eat something.

Y/N nudged the sleeping beauty next to him.

"Hyewon ah~"


"Lets eat some lunch."

Hyewon got up slowly, but when she want to take her first step, she fumbled over.

Ah I forgot about that...

Y/N took Hyewon's arm over his shoulder and supported her as the couple walked to the dinner table. After a little bit of waiting, Y/N walked over to the table with two plates.

"You better hope that Wonyoung doesn't clown you for not being able to walk."

"Aish I forgot about that. Do you know when those two are coming home?"

"No, I assume they went over to take care of him while he's sick. They could come back tonight, or they could come back tomorrow."

"I hope they come back tomorrow."

As if on queue the door clicked.

The maknae shouted, "We're back!"

Hyewon snapped her neck towards the door, "Already?"

Hitomi stood by the door, "No, we're just here to pick up the hoodie that Wonyoung stole from Ji Hoon ah. We'll be leaving shortly."

"How long are you guys staying over here?"

"I'm not sure. Wonyoung wants to stay the night but Ji Hoon wants us to come back tonight at the latest."

"Do we have anything planned for tomorrow?"


"Why not stay?"

"We'll see."

Wonyoung came out with a pile of hoodies and shirts.

"Ya he said his hoodie not your entire wardrobe."

"I know, but if we're going to wash his stuff, I want to do a load at his house so my stuff can smell like him."

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