Chapter 143

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Y/N sat up in his bed, startling Hyewon.

"G-Good morning?"

"Hyewon ah, I want to show you something really cool!!"

Hyewon blinked in shock.

"You're really energetic..."

Y/N looked around the treehouse, finding the other members staring in the same fashion as Hyewon.

"It's really cool. Watch."

Y/N looked towards the bridge, extending his arm outwards. With a grin, Y/N looked back at Hyewon before shooting a shard of ice out of his palm. The grin on his face immediately disappeared as the sound of the ice shard shattering sounded through Y/N's ears. Gasps filled the area as Y/N looked back at the direction of his shot. His heart dropped the moment he saw JiU on the floor with a red mark on her forehead.

Oh shit... I'm so fucked.


Y/N's eyes darted to JiU's neck, finding the dark spot signifying the sealing of her powers.


Y/N rushed to JiU's side, anxious of the repercussions of his careless act. The other girls quickly grouped around the small girl, with the members from the other treehouse joining the crowd.

"What happened?" Hitomi asked while pushing through the group.


Y/N began to hyperventilate as he tried his best to muster up an answer.


Y/N sighed in relief as JiU sat up, holding her forehead.

"That stung..."

Wonyoung grabbed Y/N's collar, "Ya. What were you thinking?!"

"I didn't know you guys were there!!"

"You have to look where you're shooting things! You're lucky I'm not strangling you right now."

Wonyoung pushed Y/N away, cradling JiU in her arms.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. It was like I got flicked on the head."

Y/N furrowed his eyebrows, "Flicked on the head?"

"Yeah. It stung a little, but that's about it. Don't get me wrong- That shard probably would have done a lot of damage to other people. If not, outright killed someone that wasn't me."

Y/N looked at his palm.

I did kind of shoot that out hard...

JiU rubbed Y/N's leg, grabbing his attention.

"Don't sweat it. Just watch where you're aiming that thing. You've basically got a gun in the palm of your hand. LIterally."

Y/N nodded, sighing once more.

"I don't know what I would have done if I killed you."

JiU scoffed.

'You can't kill me. At least... permanently."

"I'm surprised you survived with your powers sealed."

"I'm not average, remember?"


"Try to refrain from using your new found abilities though. I don't know if you can tell right now, but your left hand is on the verge of succumbing to frostbite."

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