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"All students please report the the auditorium immediately." I heard on the loud speaker. Oddly I rushed to the auditorium and thankfully, Marissa saved me a seat next to her. "Dude what is this all about?" I asked. "I have absolutely no idea, hoping it's not to long and boring though." "Same." Oh well. I figited in my hard blue seat until the principal came on the sage behind the podium. Everyone was afraid of Mrs. Gregor. Even the bad boy Derrick Anderson. "I would like to start by saying this is going to be about your behavior as student, to our wonderful staff members." Everyone sighed at once "Oh hush down now!!" she yelled into the mic. "Some students have been swearing and using foul language to our teachers, and that is not acceptable under any circumstances. Do you hear me?" she said boldly. I happened to look over at Derrick who was across from me two rows ahead. He was slumped down in his seat so far I could barely see his chest. We all kind of knew this whole assembly was about him after he came out of Family and Consumer Science with Mr. Jefferson screaming, "**** YOU MR. JEFFERSON, GOD MAYBE I DONT WANT TO RAISE A ******* GAY ASS CHILD WHEN IM OLDER. GOD DAMIT WHY DO I HAVE TO LEARN IF ITS NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN." But anywho after the assembly I headed over to algebra 2 with Mrs. Davis. This was my least favorite class out of EVERY single class I have ever taken. But I was the only class I had with Marissa and Ciara together, do I dealt with it. Derrick sat two seats across from me in the front where Mrs. Davis could keep an eye on him. "Do I have to take this dumb ass class to graduate?" he randomly said in the middle of class. "Derrick yes you do and how dare you curse AGAIN to another teacher after that whole assembly this morning. Because you've got yourself detention there young man." she screamed. It was so annoying how every single day we had to stop class to yell at Derrick. I mean he was absolutely GEORGOUS like every girl in the school had a crush on him. He looked exactly like a mix between Zach Efron and Zayn Malik from One Direction. But he had Harry Styles' hair but a bit darker. He also had a lot of tattoos, smoked occasionally, and drank. Typical school rebel/bad ass. Finally the day was over and the 3 of us piled into my car just to talk for a while in private. "Did you see his abs though, they were like the definition of sex in an abdomen." Marissa exaggerated. "Eww that is so gross Marissa, not appropriate AT all." Ciara yelled. "Calm your tots guys he is freaking amazing, but he has a shit personality,smokes,drinks,AND is the school rebel, so that's a major NO from me." To be honest I couldn't even stand him, he was so rude and inconsiderate to every girl in the school. He was also called the king of one night stands. Almost 1/4 of the girls in my grade lost their virginity to him. But I didn't ever get in trouble and was normally the shyer one, but I liked meeting new people. I was a nobody in school, just mainly stuck to the 10 friends I actually had. I was saving myself for after marriage anyway. "Can we please got Starbucks! Please, Please, PLEASE!!!" marissa begged from the back seat. " I could go for some hot chocolate." Classic Ciara. "Oh why the heck not." I shrugged. On the highway as we were driving to the exit to get off to the local Starbucks, we all jolted forward and or car when kind of sideways. "Holy shit, what was that!" Marissa screamed almost about to cry. "I have know idea but someone just rear-ended us." I got out of the car to see the damage. it was pretty bad. The guy who was driving the car got out and just stared at us. Who could it be? Of course. Derrick Anderson. "ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME??" I screamed. "Yea um sorry. Didn't mean to." Derrick said calmly. "WELL NO SHIT BUT AHHHH. MY CAR!!!" I was raging with fury, because 1. he annoyed the living shit out of me. 2. HE HIT MY FREAKING CAR. 3. He could care less about it. Oh my god. "Yea sorry I was just so mad because of school today and I guess I wasn't paying attention. Guess you want me to pay huh?" "No it's fine." I mumbled. I felt kind of bad for him because of the whole assembly thing but I was still mad because he hit my car. "Here's my number if you change you mind and want to sue me." "K thanks..." I said sarcasticly. "Okay...can I leave now?" Derrick questioned. "Get the hell away from me." I snapped. "K then see you at school I guess." "Umhm." I breathed. God I was so mad at him. I tried to forget about it driving to Starbucks. "You okay?" Ciara asked. I realized I was gripping the tan leather steering wheel way too hard. "Yea sorry if I'm scaring you guys. He was just a freaking jerk. God he made me so mad." "I bet." Marissa said. Eventually I got home and after 50 questions with my mom about the accident and how school was, I finally went upstairs and changed. I put my long brown hair with light blond highlights into a messy bun, cleaned of my make up and admired my only nice natural feature, my blue eyes. I grabbed a pair of holister sweats out of my drawer that were way to big for me so I had to roll them over twice and tie them tight. I put on a dance t-shirt from 2013 on it. I've been dancing for 9 years already. Wow. I tried to study for finals but it was so hard when all I was thinking about was Derrick and how much I hated him. At 11 I finally put my books down and went to sleep. "Margo, Margo, MARGO!" unusually, it was my brother. "What are you doing awake?" I asked. "Mom won't wake up and I puked and I don't want to sit in the bathroom alone." I looked at my 8 year old little dude and agreed to sit with him for an hour till he fell asleep. I was so tired the minut I sat on the bathroom floor. it was 3:46 A.M and when I woke up, Adam was asleep. Yay. I went back to my bed and slept the rest of the night. The next morning I got ready, normal makeup, and olive green jeans with a white blouse and grey sweater, with white vans and a long necklace. At school, everyone was depressed because today was the first day of finals. At lunch I was certain I had bombed my Algebra and ELA skills tests. I took a seat at lunch and was taking to marissa about or after-graduation summer plans. We had been saving money since we were 7 (and Ciara) to rent a beach house in the summer in the Bahamas. it was so soon I could hardly wait. "Ahh I suck at US history." Zoey sat at our table and was talking about how hard it was. She was a good friend I met in home room of 6th grade and we always busy on her because she literally can't hear anything. Then finally Cheyenne (who I also met in 6th grade) said "God Zoey shut up already...." "What?" Zoey asked. We all shook our heads and laughed even Zoey. "Well only 26 more days of school left till' were outta here." Marissa said. "Literally can't wait!" Leah screeched. She also sits at our lunch table. "Me and Billy are going to a party after wards, anyone wanna join. None of us else had boyfriends except for Leah. But marissa was crushing on one of Derricks friends, DeShawn. I kinda had a bit of a crush on this other kid, he was kinda a rebel, but not nearly as bad as Derrick. His name was Dan and we were pretty good friends I guess. But then there was also this kid she was like the jokester of the grade but he was pretty funny actually. His name was Garrett but he wasn't that great looking to be honest. We finished our lunches and headed back to 7th period, but first my locker. At my locker waiting for me was my gay friend, Sam. "Heyyyy babe how are you girl!" "Doin okay I guess...just trying to get through finals. And I was and I just didn't feel like talking right now. "You're probably going to be late if you don't hurry up." I said trying to get him away. "Rude, but whatever, see you boo." "See ya." Finally, I thought. Walking down the hallway, I ran into Dan and we had I pleasant conversation about our 7th period classed, when Derrick came running down the hallway and nicks me right over from behind. "OH MY GOD I am so sorry..." he said reaching his hand out for me. I grabbed it just because he was actually being nice to someone for once. Dan was already on the ground getting my books for me while Derrick was apologizing. "Didn't I accidentally hit your car yesterday?" he asked. "Yea you kinda did." "Well...oops." Then he walked right the heck away..... did he really just do that. be all nice to me then just leave. God I was starting to loath him. "Margo are you okay? Does anything hurt at all?" Dan asked kindly. I was too mad to answer. "Yea just dandy." I snapped back. I just grabbed my books out of his hands and ran to the bathroom. I burst into a stall and just started lightly crying. Derrick was such a jerk I couldn't take it anymore. I was mean to Dan and now he's gonna hate me. I was rude to Sam and now he hates me. I cleaned myself up and walked back to 7th pd. I got yelled at for being late but I honestly could care less. I went home and went to sleep at 7. I didn't even eat.

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