Chapter 5: This is going to be great!

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I woke up in my queen bed not feeling the greatest. But then i remembered that we were on vacation. Duh! I pulled my hair up into a messy bun and threw on a sweatshirt because i guess we left the air-conditioner on all night. Oops. I moaned and started down the steps one foot at a time. "Morning sunshine! Feeling any better?" "No. I'm hungry make me food." Dan laughed, got up and walked to the stove. "I was only kidding!" I giggled. "But its my civic duty to help you because your not at your best right now. Want some more Ibuprofen? Take the pain away?" I nodded my head and put on a pout like a kid. Dan laughed and stared at me as i walked upstairs to get my phone. "Stop i got it!" he yelled and ran up the steps as fast as he could. On his way up, Marissa was coming down. "What is he here for?" she questioned. "OH my god! Did he stay the night? Sneak in after we went to sleep?" "No not at alll!" "Liar- are you still a virgin????" "YES he must have gotten here before i woke up because when i came down the stairs, he was sitting at the island." "Aw you and Dan are goals!" She shrieked. Ciara came down the stairs wrapped in her Vera Bradly blanket. She tripped over her blanket on the stairs and fell down the stairs on her butt. We started cracking up and were almost crying for 10 mins. Dan came downstairs with my phone while we were laughing and he thought we all were crying. Dan made us a yummy breakfast- pancakes with bacon and a bit of scrambled eggs. We were cleaning the dishes when THe doorbell rang. I got up and the girls from the other houses were there. "Yo do you guys want to go to this aqua park with us today? MArgo youll be able to do it with your wrist." Sophie asked. THey all piled in the door and we gave them hugs and welcomes and food. "Maris, CC, come here!" i yelled. "Yea?" "Soph and the girls invited us to an aqua park today on the bay-- Do you guys wanna go because i want to!" "I wanna!" "So do I" "K then sign us up. "I already talked to the place and they said they could rent it to us for the day- just us, no strangers." Soph said. "Sounds great, but one more question- CAn the bous come along? i dont want to leave them behind?" I asked. "Sure thats fine, see you guys at 12:30" "Bye guys love you!" THen they were gone. Game time! I ran upstais and locked my door,the turned on the shower. As i was waiting for the shower to heat up, i looked out my window. The view was breathtaking. The water was a clear blue and the sand was the perfect shade of tan. THe sky was a bright blue with no clouds at all. I noticed a palm tree behind Soph's house and a big blob halfay between ours and hers. Oh well ill check it out later. I sent a quick text to Dan sayin about the whole aqua park thing. I hopped into the shower, letting the hot water sooth my stiches. I dont even know why i was in the shower, I was just about to jump into the water. (For those of you who dont kno what a aqua park is- Its like an inflatible obstcal course on water.) But i got out and lotioned, and then picked out my clothes. A pink and grey lace bikini with the strap around the neck, and a grey strapless cover up. I split my hair in two parts and did a fish-tail braid on both, pulling them loose a bit. I only did a water proof eyeliner and mascara for makeup and grabbed my shades. I went downstairs to wait for the girls. Soph and the house #1 clan came first. Then house #3 (we were #2),then the boys in house #4. Each boy took 2 or 3 girls, so me and Mallory went with DAn, MArissa,Sophie and Sydney with DeShawn, Regina,Nat,and Carley with Derrick, and Cassidy, Taylor, and Emmy with Sam. We arrived at the place all behind each other with DeShawn in the fron. "Oh my God this looks so cool!" I exclaimed. IT took 10 mins to find 5 parking spots next to eachother. Dan grabbed my hand and helped me out of the car. We watched Sam and Garret carry 16 towels each in washbaskets. At the one point Garrett dropped his whole basket and a car almos ran over them in the street. BUt we made it inside and talked to the lady. I was surprised that Derrick was actually doing this because hes not on e to do things with a lot of other people, or even do things likr this at all. We followed the lady out of the building and almost everyone dropped their jaws. I was a HUGE obstalcourse, almost like Wipeout, but less extreme. It had a rope that you climbed up at get to a 20 foot high jump! There was a blob, that i knew was going to be put to use right when we got out there. She gave us out life vests and explained the rules. "No hurting each other, and no pushing one another off the high jump. Also wait till the person infront of you is totlly clear before you jump. HAve fun!" Right when she said that, Dan grabbed my wrist and ran to the end od the dock. "DAN NO LET ME GO!" i yelled while i was laughing uncontrollably. "Hmmm NOPE!" then he picked me up wedding style and jumped into the water. I screamed so loud as a hit the water. I came to the surface still laughing. The water wasnt all that cold, it felt actually good with the outside temp. "Come on u guys get IN!!" i yelled splashing Dan. THen DeShawn said " Marissa how much do you weigh?" she blushed and said "110" "THat works!" he said and scooped her up and ran to the dock and jumpped in with her. There was a huge splash. We were laughing so hard and DAn and Deshawn were high-fiving. Then one by one everyone jumped in, the last being Sam and Ciara. 'Do it, do it, do it!!!!" we all chanted. THey grabbed hands and jumped in. We all cheered on the top of our lungs, just floating in the water. Then we stared on the course. "3......2.......1!" Syd yelled and we all went runnung! I ran up behing Dan and tried to push him off, but i wasnt strong enough and he caught me. We kept running and Garrett was in the lead heading to the the high jump. But before that was a huge slant. Everyone fell off when we went up to it. But that was also partially because Sydney and Cassidy were creeping up behind everyone and pushing them off. Finally me and Dan made it to the Jump. I stared climbing, trying to beat him, but he was in the lead. I was so focused on beating Dan that i didnt realize that when i reached the top, i was 20 feet in the air. I alywys forget my fears untill im face to face with them. Thats just how i roll i guess. Dan jumped off and i looked like a lot further than 20 feet down from the top. Everyone by passed me and was in the water below calling my name. "COME ON MAR YOU CAN DO IT!" Dan was yelling. I felt sick to my stomach and didnt want to go thriugh the whole plane ordeal again so i yelled back " I CANT DAN" "YES YOU CAN, OVERCOME YOUR FEARS AND JUST JUMP." He was right, if i did it i might be cured. I closed my eyes and inched closer to the edge. "THERE YOU GO, ILL CATCH YOU MAR< YOU CAN DI IT I KNOW YOU CAN!!!!!" "Okay, here i go." i said to myself. Everyone was waiting for me to jump. THis was it. I firced my self off the edge, waiting for everything to go black again. I hit the water and swam up to the surface. I did it! Everyone was cheering and clapping and Dan was wedding-style holding me in his arms again in the water. HE leaned in and kissed me and Ciara who was on the dock took pictures. I felt amazing, now i knew that i could jump off again.We climbed back up to the top and Dan and I jumped off together. The sun started to set and we were drying off at the dock. We had been there all day with no lunch so we were starving. We packed up out things, remebering that none of us had brought anything other than our bathing suits, and said thank you to the people who worked there. Since we were in our bathing suits, we all piled into the drive thriugh of McDonalds. We decided to go to the boys house to eat, since they had a huge basement. CArley put in We're the Millers, and we had a huge McDonalds buffett. We literally ended up all sleeping there, wearing the boy's clothes. Derrick ditched us and went up to sleep, just like we all knew he would. At about 1:30 Dan woke me up and asked me if i wanted to go up in his room with him to sleep. I slepily nodded my head and he carried me upstairs because i was literally sleping in the table before he asked and i was uncomfortable. H put me in the bed and put the covers over me before he crawlled into the other side. I rolled over next to him and put my leg over his as he laid on his back.

"Dude get up, God." I heared Derrick hiss. I sat up, my hair everywhere and makeup smudged, in Dan's boxers and my own tanktop. "Goodmorning Derrick." i said hapily because i slept well. "Yea hi, tell Dan to get up and help me wake up all the god damn girls in out basement." i rolled my eyes at him and he turned on his heel and shut the door behind him. I placed a kiss on his cheek and cooed "DAn sweetie wake up." "Mom?" I laughed, "No sorry its Margo, we have to get all the girls up." He sat up with extreme bed head, and smiled a cheesy smile before sighing, "Do i have to ?" "Sorry but yes." i giggled. I checked my phone, 10:18 it glowed. "Just 5 more mins. pppllleeaaasssseee." he moaned. "Okay." i said and laid back down, our bodies pressed against each other.

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