Chapter 6: Drama starts

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"Shit Margo its like noon!" Dan shook my arm and whispered in a raspy morning voice. "Oh noooo, I'm tired." "Well get your cute little but out of bed!" He then smacked my butt because i was laying on my stomach. "Oooooooooooo Dan!!!" I heard someone say who wasnt me or Dan. I turned around and to my surprise, Marissa and Ciara were in the doorway taking photos. I rolled over, trying to get to them, but fell off the bed. They stood there taking even more pictures. I finally reached them and when they ran, i turned around and shut the door and locked it. "Whew finally there gone. Every time they see us in bed, they always think ive lost my virginity." "Thats okay, at least you lost it to me!" "EWWWWW No Dan thats not okay!!!" laughed. We went downstairs to get breakfast and Derrick was standing at the stove making eggs. "Can i have some?" I wondered. He looked at me and rolled his eyes. "No, God, get your own and get out of my house while your at it you god damn whore. I Cant stand you, your taking DAn away, i cant even talk to him any more. Dan feels the same way, God stop being a clingy little bitch." He said with such sass. I gave him a deadly look before kicking him in the balls and running out with tears streaming down my face. HE WAS SUCH A JERK!. My head was fuming with so much hate and anger that i didnt even notice Dan chasing after me and calling my name. Without thinking about my car, i ran down the street as fast as i could. Derick was the only thing making this trip suck. He was suck a kill joy and i couldnt stand him. He was the biggest douche i knew. I ran through the door and locked it really quickly and ran to my room. I jumped on the bed and just cried. For 12 hours straight. Didnt let anyone in, or out. The next morning I knew i needed to eat and drink because i was basically dying. I put a hood on and black sweats and walked down the stairs and was immediatly grabbed and carried outside by Dan. God the girls must have let him in. Grrrrrrrrrrrr. "God Dan let me go NOW!!!" i screamed trying to struggle my wat out of his arms. i was thrown over his shoulder like a potato sack and i hated every seccond of it. He opened his car door threw me in the front seat and put the child safety lock on so i couldnt escape. Damnit. "Listen Margo, what Derrick said was so untrue. I dont think your clingy at all and he was just annoyed like he always is. PLease Margo ill do anything for you to forgive me. And im so sorry Derrick said those things. Your not a whore, or a bitch, your perfect." "Are you sure Dan, that this is right. THat were spending the summer with each other and not our friends? Maybe Derricks right, you guys need to spend your last summer together and same wth my friends. I want to be with you but i dont want it to stop you from having the vacation of your dreams." "Please no Margo, hes not right and you see your friends everyday. i wouldnt forgive myself if i let you slip away. It took all my courage to ask you after all these years and i cant loose you after only almost 3 weeks. Margo..." "Do you really mean it?" "Of course Margo I...I" "You what?" "I love you Margo Xianna Fitzgerald, i dont care how long weve been together, I Love you. Ive loved you all these years and i know it. Its true love Margo, i can feel it. It burned a hole in my heart everytime i realized you werent with me these past years." He stared into my eyes and i stared into his. They were filled with so much emotion and love. I loved him too, more than the world. I knew this was real. This is what love felt like. He touched the side of my face and softly brushed the hair out of my eyes. He slowly wrapped one arm around my neck and the other on the side. Our noses touched, then our lips. Going at it for almost 10 mins. "that was my promise im making to you Margo. If your ever unsure, just think of that." "Im counting the last 4 years as a relationship because of our love since back then, it was just unofficial." I said into his neck. "I'm counting since we met." He breathed back. Then he turned on the car are drove out of the drive way. "Where are we going love?" i asked. "To pick up some things at the drug-store and then to a bakery, because the girls told me you havent eaten anything since Tuesday night's McDonalds." "what are we getting at the drug-store?" "well i need more toothpaste, we need deoderant and the girld need hairties and Advil."

-------------------------------------------------1 week later---------------------------------------------------------

DING DONG DING DONG DING DONG "Would someone get the freaking door!" marissa yelled from the couch, "Got it!" I yelled back. I opened the door and a crying Taylor ran into my arms. "Oh my god Tay whats wrong!" i cooed. "Theres a big fight going on and i cant take it anymore." she wimpered. I walked her to the couch and handed her a blanket. "Explain please," Ciara asked. "OKay so we wanted to pick a movie and Carley said mean girls and i said 'nah seen it too many times' and we couldnt decide and so then Someone said omg no that movie sucks and then the other person was like 'oh you dont have to be rude about it' and then they totally let all their building up emotional hormones out on eachother and i didnt say a word in response, just listened to people hating on me. Then i left and im pretty sure Emmy went to stay with sophie and carley and cassidy were fine with eachother." "Jeez that sounds pretty harsh." said Ciara. "Well you welcome to stay here with us for the rest of the vacatio, i have an extra bed in my room." i said. "Thank you because i dint want to deal with this in the future ever again." Taylor sniffed.

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