Chapter 8: Another trip to the hospital.

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I sat on the couch, binging on some Oreos left over and watching Pretty Little Liars because I had missed so many episodes. It was about 12 in the afternoon and even though we didn't have school, it felt like another gross Monday morning. Ciara was out with Holister, Taylor with Ash, and Marissa with DeShawn. So I was left all alone. Every five mins I would check my phone to see if Dan texted. But he didn't. I knew that Garrett, Sam and Derrick were out at some pub down the road a bit for lunch. I decided to call Dan just to see what he was doing today. It rang 6 times and then went to voice mail. I just left a message saying hi. After 3 more calls I got worried and left. I was still wearing my pajama bottoms but I had a Greenview swim team shirt on and a messy bun in my hair along with flip flops. I packed a quick bag with a coverup, towel and a bathing suit because I figured I'd be there for awhile. I drove to the house and it didn't look like anyone was home. I knocked on the door and nobody answered. I went inside. "Dan, Its Margo. Dan?" "Margo over here" he said sounding like he was in a lot of pain. I dropped my keys and bag and just ran. He was laying on the floor at the bottom of the steps and his arm was making an "S" shape. I also noticed that there was a big slice in it and it was bleeding pretty bad. "OH No DAN WHAT HAPPENED HOLY LORD." I dropped to the floor and kissed his cheek before looking at his arm. "How long have you been like this?" "About an hour, but just get me to the ER." "Oh gosh okay!" I said. At this point I was crying really hard just because I couldn't stand to see him in so much pain. I quickly dialed 911 and and ambulance was on the way. I laid by his side, stroking his hair and kissing him. I also has some gauze to stop the bleeding. Soon the people came into the house with a gurney and lifted him up. His face was all scrunched up trying to deal with the pain. I was still crying and followed him to the ambulance. "Can I please come?" I asked one of the workers. "Are you family?" "Well I'm his girlfriend." "Good enough.". I climbed into the ambulance where they were trying to move his arm so it would lay flat. I sat down and held on to the edge of the bed, holding his hand as we sped to the hospital. Even though he only probably broke his arm, I was still so worried. This mush have been what it felt like when I was in the hospital. We got to the hospital and he was rushed down the hallway. "I'm sorry miss but you have to stay here. Family members only past this point." I just nodded and began to cry again.

I sat in the chair for almost 7 hours. "Margo Fitzgerald." I heard the lady behind the desk say. For the first few hours, all I did was ask the lady if she had any info. I ran up to the counter as fast as I could. "He had surgery because a tendon snapped along with three parts in his bone. His wound was pretty severe. He's recovering pretty well though, you can see him but he might be asleep. Room 515.". "Thanks" Then I ran full force to the ICU and found the number. While I was waiting, I had called almost everyone from the trip, including Dan's parents. I opened the door slowly and looked to see a sleeping Dan with a lot of gauze and a bag of blood going into his arm. I bent down and kissed him on the lips. I sat on the chair and waited for the waiting to begin again. But after 25 minutes he woke up. "Good morning Dan, feeling better?" "Yea I am, thank you Margo for coming." "I've been here all 7 hours." "You didn't have to do that." "I did, I finally felt what it must have felt like when you were waiting for me." "This is one deadly trip I'll tell ya!" "Yea it is, we've already been to the hospital twice in the first month!!" "Doctor said you can leave tomorrow afternoon when they put the cast on and give you the sling." "okay great!" "Yea remember to tell them to give you a waterproof one!" "I will but I stinks because I won't be able to carry you around anymore." he said with a cute little pout. "I'm going to go get you lunch, what do you want?" "Oo Mac & Cheese please!" "Alright". I walked to the Cafeteria and picked up a container of baked mac & cheese and a bag of salt and vinegar chips for him, because he loves salt and vinegar chips. I also bought a bag of kettle cooked chips because I was so hungry from sitting out there for a couple hours. I came back to the room and fed him his food because he couldn't do it very well. They have me a more comfortable chair to sleep on for the night and we fell asleep shortly after. I didn't sleep good at all. The chair was actually really uncomfortable and I was worried something might happen to Dan in the middle of the night. But I did it. "Good morning sunshine!" I whispered. "Hi Margo, did you stay overnight?" "Yea I did" "Why I was fine and im going to be fine." "Well I'm here, are you ready for your cast after breakfast? What do you want to eat?" "Eggs and bacon sounds really good thanks." I went to the cafe again and picked up container of pre made eggs and bacon. I got some hash browns too because we both loved them. When I came back to the room, they were already measuring Dan for his cast. I sat in my chair and watched. I never knew that's how they put a cast on. After breakfast, the full cast was on and we were ready to leave. "What can't he do with his arm now?" I asked as we were leaving. "Well he can't lift anything, or open doors for awhile. It's going to be hard to dress yourself and do common things until maybe a month with it on. "How long do I have it on?" Dan asked. "About 5 and a half months minimum." That was our whole vacation. Poop. Anyways we left the hospital and got in the car with Derrick because he had to pick us up. "Well there goes our vacation." I said with a sigh. "Don't put it that way, I just can't do some things." "I'll help you I promise." "Thanks Margo love you!" "Love you too Danni poo" "Eww don't call me that." We both laughed and then I started the car. we drove home and I helped him out of the car and took him inside. "Listed up people, we have an injured Dan and you all need to help take care of him. He can't do a lot, so you all need to put in as much effort as I am to help this poor little boy." I announced to the boys in the house. Dan made a pouty face and I said 'poor little boy'. "Yea whatever" Derrick rolled his eyes. "Well help him don't worry Margo." said Garrett. "Okay good, he takes pain relieving mess every 8 hours. He needs a lot of rest so make sure he gets it. I got to go but promise me you'll do as I ask." Geez I sound like my mom. But anyways they all agreed and I have Dan a kiss on the cheek and left. I walked through the door and they're were almost 11 other girls in the house all on the couch. "Hey guys I'm home!" I said loudly. "Hey Mar, come watch High School Musical marathon with us." Syd said. So I did and that's what we did for the rest of the day.

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