Chapter 11: More Alchohol

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"I love you Mar." Dan was lying next to me smiling. "I love you too." I said and pulled and tucked the sheet under my arms so I was kinda wearing it like a towel. My hair was all messy and my make up had been wiped off from the events of last night. I have to admit I had fun but now I new thought emerged into my mind. "Dan, oh god Dan we didn't use protection!" I yelled and jumped out of bed. scrambling out of the sheet and grabbing my robe to caber myself. "Oh no Margo this is bad this is really bad." I was freaking out. I could NOT get pregnant this trip or even ever till after Im married. My whole life would be over. My parents would basically disown me and everyone would judge me. Oh no. I must have not looked okay because Dan came up to me and put his arm around my waist and the other one on my stomach. "Margo you can't be pregnant. I'm so sorry I forgot to use protection I guess both of us were just caught up in the moment. I love you and if in fact you do have a bun in the oven them I promise I will support you through it all. I'll even marry you if Ya want." He said and smirked at me. He put his head down and kissed my neck twice. "I know Dan I don't even know if I am yet besides I won't be able to find out until about a week from now. Let's not worry okay?" I said and put my hands on his that were now hugging me from behind. "Your right Mar were over reacting lets just go get some breakfast." We went downstairs after he unwrapped himself from the sheets and put some clothes on. "There are the two love birds!" Taylor said and smiled. She wiggles her eyebrows at us and went back to her cereal. Marissa was sitting on the couch with Ciara trying to clean up something's on the floor. "So how was dinner last night?" I asked. "It was really good actually and you would've known if you guys wouldn't have ditched us." Ciara said. "Well were were in desperate need to clean some things up in our relationship and we took care of that." I said and looked up at Dan who was smirking like crazy. "Oh and Tay I forgot to ask, what did Derrick tell you about Ash that one day?" Wow I forgot to ask her about that. "Well he kinda got arrested for being an underaged drinker." "Oh my god that's awful Tay, is he out yet?" "Yea he got out and now he's back to being mine!" She said. "Well that's good but me and Dan are going to hang out for while upstairs after breakfast." I grabbed some quick cereal and ate it so me and Dan could sort things out. I raced up the stairs and grabbed a quick shower, letting the hot water massage my muscles and soothe them. Before I got out of the shower, Dan must have left to get his clothes because he was gone. But tonight we had a party to go to because Hollister I guessed knew that host and all that fun stuff. Our plan was to get Ciara drunk. And it would be hard.
Later on before the party started I was getting ready. I had on a peachish pencil skirt and a black cropped tank top with a pair of black wedges. I straitened my hair and put on some coral colored lipstick to match my skirt.
We arrived at the party fashionably late. I was just planning on getting drunk then letting the alcohol take over me. I started on a wine cooler, then moved to beer. On my third drink I moved through the crowd and the speakers booming G.D.F.R in my ear. I pushed through till I found Ciara. I smiled as the alcohol flowed through, speaking for me. "Did you get a beer yet?" I giggled. "Um I had a bit of Hollisters but not my own." She said looking down. "Well here have mine!" I yelled. "I promise I don't have chlamydia!!!" I laughed so hard and handed her my drink before stumbling around some more to find Taylor. I went upstairs and opened random doors until i found the hosts bedroom I guess. and none other than Taylor and Ash going at at on there. I slipped into the room and yelled. "I'm pregnant just to let you know yea that's right me and Dan did it BAM Tay try not to get pregnant k it sucks." I yelled. They looked at me like I had 3 heads or something and shrugged me off and went back to doing it. They sucked. I walked back down the stairs and was halfway to the bottom when across the room I saw Dan pressed up against the wall and some blonde girl up against him while they were making out. "DAN YOU DOUCHE WHAT THE HELL?!?!?" I screamed may the top of my lungs on the steps. Everyone looked T me and the person playing the music stopped it. "YOUR FREAKING CHEATING ON MY AFTER WE HAD SEX LAST NIGHT. YOU DICKHEAD!!!" I yelled, my throat burning. "Margo it's not what you think!" He yelled back. The girl just stood there smirking and putting on Chapstick. I could read that it was the honeydew honeysuckle EOS chapstick. Marissa had it too. Then I came out of my head and saw he was running twoards me up the steps. The minute his thumb touched my arm, I dropped to the floor in a black hazeyness.

I woke up in my bed not knowing anything that happened to me last night. Not where I went, not what happened or even who was there. God I must've been so drunk. The next thing I knew was that I was running to the Bathroom and throwing up all my guts. I must've been louse because Marissa came into the room and held my hair up.

After another hour, I was done throwing up and I needed to get out. I put on some shorts and a t shirt and went down Stairs with Marissa. "What even happened last night? I can't remember anything." I asked her as we were walking to the boys house to pick up Sam because he was the only sober one there. "Well we went to a party, you blacked out and Derrick carried you home because Dan was sick and he was the only one not crazy drunk."
"Oh well I'll have to thank him.". "He put up a fight having to take you home though he was like 'Well why can't you do it or someone else do it!' but he did it angrily." "Nice" I said as we approached the house. "Oh and also Ciara got drunk and Taylor lost her virginity and you made an announcement." "Oh god I must have been so drunk what did I say?" "Well alcohol isn't good for a baby! Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant!!!!" "Oh jeez did I really tell everyone I was pregnant? I'm not... well at least I hope I'm not." I mumbled under my breath. Ding Dong. "Hey guys what are you up to this morning?" Garrett asked as he opened the door for us. "Were just heading out, Is Sam here?". Then from upstairs I heard Sam yell "Almost ready!!!" "Um can I go up and see Derrick and Dan really quick?" I asked Garrett. "Sure first room on the left and third room on the right." He said with a cheeky smile. "I'll be right back" I said "I'm going to see DeShawn." said Marissa and we climbed the stairs together. I opened Derricks door to find him laying on his bed and throwing a ball in the air. "Hey Derrick how are Ya?" I asked trying to sound nice. "I don't have time for your shit Margo, what do you want?" "Well good morning to you, and I just wanted to thank you for taking me home." and I left. In the hallway I said "Dan are awake?" I said and laughed. I heard a boom and Dan whispering and and then a door shutting before Dan opened his door with messed up hair and boxers on. "Morning Dan!" I said and entered his room. I knew something was up, but I wasn't going to confront him today. "Hey Mar how did you sleep?" He asked and kissed my on the lips. But he had something on his lips that was familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. I kissed him on the lips again and I knew I could remember that taste. I saw a Chapstick on the floor, it was honeydew honeysuckle EOS and that's where I knew it from, Marissa has the same one. He must have bought one too. Weird. "Your lips taste good" I giggled. And then I walked out the door and went back downstairs. Marissa was already down there with Sam waiting for me. We drove the breakfast place when it hit me. That Chapstick wasn't Dans. Then I could remember what happened last night. Dan kissed another girl and I remember screaming at him while she stood there putting on Chapstick and smirking. She was in his closet. She spent the night. They probably had sex or something like that and Dan wasn't mine anymore. He was cheating.


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