Chapter 10: Skinny blonde girls cause trouble

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When I got home Ciara was waiting for me by the door. "How'd it go? Anything suspicious?" she asked way too quickly. "Apparently It was Derricks little 'play date' whom woke up early and asked Dan for a ride."
"Oh... Do you think he's lying?". "I have no idea honestly. All I know is that if I see 'it' near Dan again, I'm going to assume something's up and go beat his butt." "That's good, I'll help you." she said and gave me a hug. "Thank you so much CC. Love you." "Love you too." She had already finished breakfast by herself so I said I'd clean up by myself. I started washing the dishes when Derrick walked in the door. "What do you want Derrick?" I said really sassily. "God don't be a bitch Margo." "Well what do you need then?" "I need to talk to Taylor about that Ash kid." "Upstairs- second door on the right." "K cool." And he was gone. I continued the dishes when Derrick came back downstairs and just ran out of the door. No words or anything. Grrr. I went outside about an hour later and put a striped beach towel on the sand and pulled out the book 'Looking for Alaska' by John Green. I figured I'd try to get a tan because I only got a little from being outside all the time. I put my phone in a little speaker thing and listened to One Direction. It was like 1 in the afternoon so i figured if just sit on the beach all day and clear my mind. It wasn't until like 3 until someone found my on the beach. And that someone was Sam. "Hey babe why are you sitting here all alone?" "Uhh just trying to get a tan that's all and I'm pretty tired." "Well I'm going to join you." he said and sat down next to me on my purple and pink towel. "Something's on your mind Mar. Tell me." "I'm positive its nothing." "Liar. Spill."
"Alright whatever, So I saw Dan with this blonde skinny girl and I guess he drove her home but he told me it was one of Derricks one night stands again but I just don't know. I think I may be over reacting."
"I don't know what to tell you. I mean I don't think Dan would ever do that but I don't know for sure he wouldn't. I feel bad for you." "Your right he wouldn't do that to me. But you see I feel like we're too close to love each other and there's just no more sparks you know? And I love him with all of my heart and it's just not different dating him you know? Like maybe he's bored of me because I always change the subject when he wants to talk about our future together or our relationship." By this point I'm confused about myself. All I know is that we are together and he might be cheating. "Babe your being too hard on yourself. Lets change the subject. I have some new news too..." "Who is he!" I squeaked back. My little Sam got himself a cute guy. "Well his name is Logan and he is super cute. We met at this bar and then I guess it was love at first sight!!!!" God I was so happy for him. I know how often I see him watery eyed because of people's opinions but I love him for who he is. it's okay. I respect him so very much for how strong of a person he is. He does get hurt a lot but he just blows it off of his shoulder. And that's what I love about him. I'm so glad he's in my life. "Jeez that's amazing Sam! I need to meet him soon. But I'm so happy for you." I said and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
A bit later we packed up our stuff and headed back inside. I got ready because we were going to dinner with the whole gang tonight. I picked out a maroon skin tight dress with lace going down the sides. It had a sweet-heart neckline and small short sleeves that were a nice touch. I put on some white pumps and curled my hair with my new iron I got last week. I curled the already curled spirals until everyone was screaming for me to hurry up. I raced down the steps and found everyone waiting for me. "Mar you can go with Dan in his car if you want to be alone." Emmy said smirking. "That's cool with me." I said and turned to Dan I looked into his sparkling green/blue eyes and I felt his soft lips touching mine as our bodies inter locked with each other. But his lips tasted like mango lip balm- probrably from "burts bees" brand. It felt like a cover up kiss. Like a "I did something bad but I hope you won't find out so I'll act like everything is normal" kiss. I know he loved me and I knew I loved him but this long lasting kiss didn't feel right. We made our way out to the car and sat down inside. Instead of turning on the ignition, he just sat there. There was an awkward stolen e before he spoke. "Margo is there something wrong with us? Because it fells like you don't want this.". "Dan you think there's a problem with me? I love you with all of my heart and I don't know lately I've been feeling like we have no sparks any more. And also I think something's up with you." I said back dryly. "Margo number 1. nothing is going on between me and anyone else other than you. number 2. If your ready, I can make more sparks between us and I'll show you how much I love you." I knew just what he meant. If that's what it took to save us, then I was ready. Plus I really loved him and hey- I want to live life too the fullest. "Lets go."

I, Margo Elise Fitzgerald did what I was told not to do until I after I was married. But I didn't regret it.

+M. Also pray for Zayn Malik BC he's my spirit Animal💖

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